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Idiot Woman - Can't tell her own pee hole from her own fuck hole.

Published on 02 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation


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The pill she shoves up her pee hole is about the size of a football - and the dense cunt doesn't notice...

You'd have to be a retard to do that, and then get on the internet and tell everyone, "Hey I am a dumb fuck! - I can't tell my piss hole from my fuck hole."

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bigintol03 2 years ago

After listening to this RETARD for a few minutes I can almost understand faggots!

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sbseed 2 years ago

i already hate this CUNT....
barely a couple min. in and i want to punch this whore in the face.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

I don't know about his video, but I like that ass on the wall... I wonder if I can find one in blue? Electric or neon? I'll have to watch this later.

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Hmmm it's LED - one hand is reaching to her cunt and the other is reaching to her tit.... You can track it down by asking her... Details in the video. Ummmmm OR possibly spending hours or weeks looking for it.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I can't believe I wrote originally ass on the ass... wall. Guess you could tell I needed to sleep... I hope this video is good, but now I have a couple of errands to run, I might be able to find that: Neon Ass outline (light) might work I guess!? Though, I might not want to see the search results! What if Lizzo shows up in the results!? I think I need to eat first...

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@WMHarrison94: She is busy sticking pills up her pee hole.....

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@WMHarrison94: IF you check out the size of the pill, like I am not an expert of sticking things up your pee hole... but that was way too big for the average pee hole... and unless she is both legitimately stupid and paralysed from the neck down, she has probably been sticking lots of other things up her pee hole for something that size to go in with no effort.... AND I think it was the DRY gelatin capsule that caused it to stick most of the way in.... Gelatin + a tiny bit of moisture = adhesive.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I was going to say that pee-pee hole, the meatus, is small. It would be impressive though stupid to stick anything up there. I have done so as a medic, the urine catheter- small diameter. Women need it after childbirth, which as a man witnessing was a life altering event. Their pussy looks black and blue like somebody took a baseball bat to it!? No wonder women like their baseball bat. I couldn't imagine putting pills up there? They'd just clog. Women are stupid, so whatever.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Oh, the best action to preventing teen pregnancies is to make pre-pubescent girls watch a live child birth. We learn this from one of our female nurse colonels. Very effective. She would really have to love him to let him in... and it may scare them for part of their of lives, but worth it if it ends the ghettos...

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@WMHarrison94: There are women who get into pee play, and they go from "sounding" which starts off as a very small metal rod, and go up in sizes until they can fuck their pee hole with plastic vibrators and cocks, and he cums into her bladder - which I think is just asking for serious and deadly infections... So for a NORMAL woman who has not been fiddling with her urethra, to "accidentally" stick a casule THAT SIZE up her pee hole - kind of absent mindedly as it were, it totally bullshit... those are BIG capsules. I think catheters are around 4 or 5 mm in diameter, and those pills are around 7 or 8mm in diameter... Anyway.... It's also the maths of diameter to circumference too... I am sick of stupid women... had my fill of them for today.

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