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Published on 02 Feb 2021 / In News & Politics


This is Kodo with Kodoan. You can find out more about me at


you keep hearing about the “GAME STONKS” and were kinda hoping
for an “idiots guide” version – heads up! this might be just
what you’re looking for!

word Gamestonks is a clever combining of two words (GameStop and
Stonks) by an even clever-er-er guy named Elon Musk.

short tweet: “Gamestonks!!” shortly after the closing bell on
Tuesday, January 26, 2021, added to the price of GameStop’s already
soaring share prices which rose nearly 93 percent to a close of
$147.98 - more than seven times its value just a month prior. By
Thursday, January 28, 2021, GameStop’s share prices reached nearly
$500 per share at $483 before closing at $193.60.

you ask...what the hell is GameStop?

is an American video game, consumer electronics and gaming
merchandise retailer headquartered in Grapevine, Texas. GameStop
operated over five thousand retail stores throughout the United
States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe.

a brick-and-mortar chain, GameStop’s heydays were arguably behind
it due to the rise of online video game services like Xbox Live,
Playstation Network and others. Now, you could simply download a
digital version of games instead of having to leave your basement and
walk outside among the “normies”…..ewww!

2016, things started to look bad. Shares of GameStop’s stock fell
16 percent throughout the year. The holiday season alone showed a
16.4 percent drop in sales. On February 28, 2017, shares dropped an
additional 8 percent following Microsoft’s announcement of its Xbox
Game Pass service.

GameStop announced it would close over 150 stores by the end of the
year. By late June of 2018, GameStop confirmed rumours of a possible
sale. However, on January 29, 2019, GameStop said it had stopped
looking for a buyer and was now looking at other ways to regain a
financially solid foothold.

must not have found it because, immediately following this
announcement, shares dropped 27 percent to a 14 year low. Help!
I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!

to out do itself, GameStop reported a record-breaking net loss of
$673 million dollars for the 52 week period ending on February 2,

along came the “coof”...the “bug potion number 19”….the
“great bug of 2020”. The government required GameStop to close
its doors on all its stores from around March to May 2020. “It’s
just two weeks to slow the spread! Come on people! It’s just to
flatten the curve! A year from now we TOTALLY won’t be on
lockdown, forced to wear a Niqab like veil on our face that doesn’t
protect against airborne disease and have twenty thousand military
troops in our nation’s capital!” way THAT would

Blockbuster movies, 1 hour drive up photo booths and VHS porn,
Gamestop was on a downhill spiral of the cultural toilet bowl.

is….until the internet got involved. Reddit’s “wallstreetbets”
forum to be exact.

also known as WSB is a “subreddit” which basically means if
reddit was a tree, then a subreddit like Wallstreetbets would be one
small branch. Well, not that small. As of January, 2021,
Wallstreetbets had 5 million users.

the Friday of January 22, 2021, users of wallstreetbets initiated a
short squeeze on GameStop that, along with Elon Musk, ended up
causing its stock price to soar as previously mentioned.

you ask….what the hell is a short squeeze?

more like something you’d look forward to on your prom night, a
short squeeze is an abnormally rapid increase in the price of a
particular stock that has nothing to do with the rest of the market.
….which still kinda sounds like a prom night euphemism if you ask

simple terms, there are two basic types of stock market investors:
those who buy stocks for the long term and those who buy stocks for
the short term.

who buy stocks for the short term tend to be hedge funds and day

traders try to make a profit from intraday market price action –
gambling whether a stock price will rise or fall from the opening to
the closing bell.

hedge fund is a group of investors that use their power as a group to
make money from fairly complex trades in the stock market that others
normally wouldn’t be able to do alone. One of these types of
complex trades is short selling. Short selling is something akin to
betting that your horse will lose instead of win.

any case, If you were a stock market trader that was betting on the
price of the stock to fall, the rapid increase in price would force
you to “pay for the bet” quickly in order to stave off even
greater losses. This mad dash to avoid losing more money tends to
add upward pressure on the stock price. This, my lad’s, is known
as the “short squeeze”.

such a “short squeeze” happened with GameStop’s stock market
shares and it nearly bankrupted the hedge fund known as Melvin
Capital. Melvin closed its short position on Tuesday to the tune of
about $3 billion dollars. Total stock market short squeeze loss are
estimated to be more than $5 billion so far. Chalk one up for the
little guy...

so fast!” said the big guy… Buying GameStop’s stock was
halted several times for “intraday volatility” by the NYSE. In
addition, several brokerage companies put limits on the ability of
their customers to buy shares of GameStop (but not to sell)….I’m
looking at you app-based Robinhood, Charles Schwab and TD Ameritrade.

only that Discord, the well known platform for online video gamers,
removed Reddit’s WallStreetBets server, citing “violations of
policies on hate speech” and “spreading misinformation”.

it’s now “racist” for outsiders to make money on the stock
market. Oh, and by the way, you’re an insurrectionist!

interesting times we’re living in now…

remains to be seen what the end game will entail but, reportedly,
after all of the hedgefunds have dumped their GameStop stocks, they
don’t care what you do with it.

a minute you say…. I get it…. Wall street is a bunch of pricks….
But you never said what a “Stonk” is?

“Stonks” is a playful and deliberate misspelling of stocks.

to be confused with a Stonk; which is an old world label for a “heavy
concentration of artillery fire”, Stonks is internet slang and a
meme that emerged on the facebook group “Special meme fresh” in
2017. It features the word “stonks” in white below an orange,
upward-pointing arrow indicating that stock prices are on the rise.

to that is a man in a business suit with a computer-generated generic
head. The Stonk meme is considered a so-called surreal meme – some
times called a dank meme. It’s characterized by being strange and
absurd. That certainly fits what happened with GameStop and Elon
Musk was all the more clever for using it.

has been said that the meaning of life is to learn and then share.

classical martial arts, the Masters say, “no matter where you
start, strive to always get better”.

no matter where you are in life – “always get better!”

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KEEPER 4 years ago

i think it's so funny how many of us had started to hate game stop through out the years, from either working there to being scammed by the company, but also the hedge fund managers getting rich off of the little ppl while they manipulated them and helped cause so many issues. now granted gambling is an gamble so i guess some ppl are to blame for their own choices. but it's all so funny when everyone were so willing to lose everything to hurt them.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

I was kind of an idiot . But I thank you for Uploading this and clearing some things up.

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kodoan 4 years ago

I'm pretty sure I'm still kind of an idiot. I think it's why I make videos like this...

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Manny Gomes: oh, you made this. man your a good speaker.

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kodoan 4 years ago

@KEEPER: Thank you. It's a bit confusing with my name. I'm an old Buddhist priest - my given name is Manny, my "Dharma name" is Kodo and Kodoan is the name of my "Zendo" - (very) small Buddhist temple.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Manny Gomes: No kidding . You're not messing with me?

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Manny Gomes: Interesting, so what brought you to this website?

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kodoan 4 years ago

@KEEPER: not messing with you! You can check my "about me" page on my website -

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kodoan 4 years ago

@KEEPER: Sandman and Terrence Popp brought me here. Like a lot of men, tired of getting crapped on everywhere. I became a Buddhist priest in 2002 (Japanese tradition) and was given the name Kodo by my Roshi. it means "ancient path" or "old road". I formed a Zendo/small temple after that and called it kodoan which means a "sanctuary" on an old road/ancient path. Something like that seems needed these days for most men.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Manny Gomes: right on man. it's impressive! and you don't look that old. i'm guessing by your pictures, your around 35 or 37 ?

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kodoan 4 years ago

@KEEPER: I think I was in those pictures - 51 now. I guess it's time to update those pictures!

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Manny Gomes: i agree. glad to see new folks join in here. it's nice to have a little variety, and from the looks of it, you add much diverse variety on many topics, i'm currently reading about you making your own tools, that's pretty bad ass.

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kodoan 4 years ago

@KEEPER: Thank you! Literally why I'm here - to pass on anything useful that I've learned.

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