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If a woman serves no useful purpose, what is she even doing there?

Published on 15 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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mgtowlive 8 months ago

She's a gender hire

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I think they were both wives, or the son's wife or some thing..... She likes to go out of the office and have a bit or a walk around and a coffee and chat with the guys and shit for 10 minutes... Lets see 10 x phone calls a day, 10 x "Oh I dunno - I will have to go ask one of the boys", 10 x walks around the factory, 10 guys and her making 10 trips to answer the phone, x 250 days a year = she costs them $40,000 a year x 25 years = Nearly a $1,000,000 in lost productivity..... because she is too fucking lazy to look at the pamphlets and ask about all the PISTON type compresseors that are being assembled and serviced a stones throw away from her. She really can't tell what kind of a compressor it is - she has to go ask one of the boys.

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clivemcd 8 months ago

She is there for another reason. Can be anything from diversity/quotas/nepotism to keeping busy when she's not emptying the boss's balls. Knowing stuff about things has never been a priority for her and most likely will never be. What works for me is rapid fire of hard questions. This glitches them completely so they quickly get a guy on the phone. They always have a simp standing by to do the work.

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Unless I have too - I want to get out of there and get away from them..... The idiot women and the idiot men who employ UNTRAINED and LAZY brain dead women...

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It's like these stupid fucking women - their house has just burned down, and when you ask them "How did it start?" they say, "Oh the BBQ on the veranda got knocked over and the fire spread from there." - And when you ask, "Did you try to put it out, before the house caught alight - like with a garden hose?" - pointing to it 20 feet away..... and the dumb cunts say, "Oh no, that's my husbands job, but he ain't here." - so they sat on their arses and their whole house burned down.... It's THAT LEVEL of stupidity and laziness and LOW IQ kind of bullshit - I am not going to let other people bring their crap into my life....... And that is basically what you get when you get a woman, who works in the place, and answers the phone and says, "I don't know - I'll just ask one of the boys" - it's that same level of apathy, stupidity and abdication of responsibility that evokes a "Fuck Off + Out of Here" response.

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