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If Aristotle Was A Valley Girl - MGTOW

Published on 04 Jan 2017 / In People & Blogs

This is what book 1 of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics would sound like if Aristotle was a valley girl.




So, like, all the stuff that you do, and, you know, things that you want, are, like, you do them, because something good is going to happen. And because like, people think good things are going to happen, they like, say, that all the stuff we do we, like, do for good. But, umm, there are like differences between the stuff that happens when you do one sort of stuff, and you do other sorts of stuff. Sometimes, like, when you do something, you only did something, and, you know, other times, like, you do stuff, and by doing it, you made something. So, the stuff you made, like, is better than the stuff you do in making it.

So, like, when that bitch Jessica, who is a total slut by the way, makes those stupid bracelets, umm, those bracelets are, like, better than all that stuff she does to make them. But, you know, there are like all sorts of different stuff you can make and do, so, like, there are like different things you do them for.

But sometimes, there are like, bigger things you want to do, but like you need to do a lot of little things first, and, you know, the bigger thing is why you do them. So, oh my God, let tell you, like, when us girls do our hair, and we do our nails, and go shopping, we do it, to, like, look fabulous.

So, looking fabulous, is like the reason we do all that stuff and so all the other reasons are, like totally less important than looking fabulous. Cos like, we do out hair and nails not cos like we want great hair and nails, but, like totally to look fabulous! So, the bigger reason, you know, we do stuff for, it like more important than the smaller reasons we do stuff for. So being fabulous, is like more important that having awesome hair, even though, you know, you need awesome hair to look fabulous.

But, if like, we do our hair to look fabulous, then there is like a reason why we want to look fabulous. And, duh, there totally is a reason for why we want to look fabulous. But, like, oh my God, there can’t be, like reasons for reasons why we want to look fabulous, cos like, then we wouldn’t like know why we do stuff. I mean, as if, can you imagine? So, there totally has got to be a reason we do stuff we do for like no other reason. And that like, makes total sense, you know?

And that betch Jessica, she was like, “umm, we totally do stuff cos, like, umm, we want to feel pleasure.” And I was like, umm, whatever betch! Not even, like you can do stuff, for not like pleasure but like cos you don’t want to be ignorant and stuff. Cos like, you want to do stuff for pleasure but then like there is a reason why you want pleasure. And so, I was like “umm, we do stuff cos we want to be happy” and like, there is totally no reason why we want to be happy other than like to be happy.

So like, totally, oh my god, we like do everything cos, like we want to be happy. Like Seriously.

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