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If I had a scumbag mother like you, I'd be doing drugs too - Fuck You Susan Wojcicki.

Published on 19 Feb 2024 / In Film & Animation

Because I did, and I have.

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bigintol03 12 months ago

And a good looking kid too....shame!

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 12 months ago

This is what happens when you have life on easy mode

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Have you watched this movie ending.... and read the script.... It's very good. They said the same things you did. Hitler and Satan and Russian Philosophy --- See Pinned Comment and Script

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Councilof1 12 months ago

Drug's at UC Berkeley? Say it ain't so.

All jokes aside. Take drug's at your own risk. I know it my area druggies are dropping like flies. Apparently all the drug's are intentionally or unintentionally laced with fentanyl. In one week in the summer I saw nine OD's.

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I don't know your area.... See where I live there is an average of 0.7 people per squared kilometer - so dating in a 10 x 10 Km area - most small towns are like 3 people to 1200 people - and most towns are like 200 - 300 people... Most are old, the younger fertile ones have almost all left for the big city... and so enlargening that to 100 x 100 kilometers, there is 10,000 square kilometers, with around 7,000 people, and say most of them are older... then if 2% are in the 20 - 24 year old age range - that is like 140 women - AND probably less...... AND most of them are in relationships... so that would make say 20 SINGLE fertile females in 10,000 square kilometers...

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Councilof1 12 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I just checked. The city I live in has a population density of 1509 people per square kilometer. And the city (shitty?) isn't that big. As for dating if I were to date it's either junkies, married women or neon haired nut jobs. So even if I wanted to date that's a big no thanks. I'd rather hire a pro. I'd leave the city but that at the moment that's a last resort. It's cold ad hell where I live. There's a reason starvation used to be fairly common.

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So did you see then fall over dead from overdoses or where they heard of in your locality? I mean some places have junkies by the dozens on the streets and some are more suburban and some places are more rural.... This is why I crucified Cheech and Chong... "Drugs are REAL Bad Mmm K - And Cheech and Chong were scumbag junkie liars. "

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Some people are just doing drugs on the quiet and in other places they are crawling all over the place in public - What is your area like....

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Councilof1 12 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I'm sure it's happening in private but it's out of control in public. I've seen people shooting up in public, smoking meth and crack. Plus god knows what else. There's a small park near me that's now a tent city. It's been odd watching the city implode. And public housing is half empty. It's almost as if they want the place to fall apart. Which I'm sure is the point of it all.

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@Councilof1: Is it like the streets in the Cheech and Chong video I posted...

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Councilof1 12 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Not quite that bad yet but it's definitely heading that way. I'm in Canada so the social safety net is preventing scenes like that. At least until the safety net fails. Plus tranq as it's called hasn't come north yet.

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@Councilof1: Ihave been drug free more than 35 years and I have fuck all idea what is going on any more.... Every decade the meanings of the word "Tranq" change from Phencyclodine (Hey I remembered how to spell it - what a surprise) ( ) used to be called Animal Tranq, because it was used to sedate large animals on the cheap and it was fast acting to sedate the animal and it was also fast acting when it stopped working - and the animal decided to get up and chase and kill all the people... but Tranqu - these days I have no idea what is in that drug or the general mix etc.. What is it?

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Councilof1 12 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I believe it's Xylazine mixed with fentanyl. Hence the zombie walk they're doing. And apparently it's use lead's to necrosis. I'm largely clean besides smoking cigarettes which I need to quit. I prefer sobriety.

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@Councilof1: Yeah I have only been given fentanyl by a qualified anesheologist - as a part of a heart operation... they wanted me pain free and sedated... and they gave me I think 120 mg (or was that micrograms???) brilliant drug in the medical sense... was given it... fell asleep (very tired) and woke up at exactly the end of the operation... and no groggyness or anything..... just as irritable as ever....

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Councilof1 12 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I think that's partially the problem. It's meant for medical use because it's so potent and is easily misused. Drug dealers just see the profit and how easy it is to smuggle due to size/potency ratio. It's like the tobacco except user's die faster.

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@Councilof1: I am rather vague on the details - and can't be fucked looking them up.. but I have read that people have dropped dead from a puff of dust in the air... Not making this up - but just trying to illustrate the size of the dosage, like someone blew 10 milligrams into a cops face and she fell over dead from an over dose.... I forget the exact amount.... but it was rediculously TINY ....

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