If the Noah's Ark story was actually true, this is what ole N word would've had to do.
If the Noah's Ark story was actually true, this is what ole N word would've had to do.
#NoahsArk #biblestories #theflood #therains #40daysand40nights #chad #tyrone #feminism #feminists #MauriceLovellWilson #TheMasterofBluePillDisaster #MGTOW #RedPill
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You can go up in the mountains in different states and find seashells and other evidence of sea life there. It's absolutely true as is the entire Bible as written 100%.
It actually is true. The medeteranian sea topped a ridge and flooded a valley. The boat for the times was rather large, but it was only large enough to carry Noahs family and his animals from a SMALL farm,, not the extravaganza the lunatic fringe made it out to be... such as being the size of a container ship and carrying 2 of every animal on earth....
Irving Finkel | The Ark Before Noah: A Great Adventure https://youtu.be/s_fkpZSnz2I
lol.. sometimes you sound like Bill Cosby narrating Fat Albert.. heh