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If Women Had Been Left To Build Any Civilization In History You Would Not Be Alive Today

Published on 21 Jun 2023 / In Film & Animation

True - not good for much

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The dumb Scotch chick - nice BROAD BRIMMED HAT for the fucking TROPICS, for some pale skinned northern European whining piece of arse.....

Throw rocks at the cunts - lots and lots and lots of rocks.....

My old man used to call useless women, "Lizards" - the just lay around in the warmpth, sunning them selves... and that is about all they are good for....

And watching the men guts themselves on the crocodile... well meat goes rotten in the tropics VERY fast... so what they don't guts down, goes off... so HUGE MEALS all around...

And they are all laying around, going, "Fuck that was good!".....

And the stupid fucking women are just blubbering away - "Oh I am so hungry - I feel sick etc... "



I feel so excited... Haaaa Haaaa Haaaaaa - makes my day.

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mrghoster 2 years ago

I'm so glad that the participants are from the UK like me. Why? because UK women were voted in a european survey to be the laziest and most repulsive in Europe, this was when the UK was in Europe of course. which we no longer are. MEN in the UK are so suppressed yet we are thriving if the mindset is right. I've taken all the crap, rejected it all and I'm finally living my life, especially without the CURSE of the fefail haunting me! lol!

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mrghoster 2 years ago

The guy's made a holiday of the experiment and Bonded, the fefails biuld nothing but their own HELL. These CUNT's cant even pair bond with each other today nether lone MEN as well. a message to today's fefail would be You've destroyed yourselves, WE MEN don't want your hassel, STD's or STI's , we don't want your fucking childish victim hood mind fuck games anymore. I'm a Happy, independentguy, who likes my own company, I don't suffer CUNT's easily, and I'm living life and enjoying it as planet earth goes to HELL in a handbag because of fefails! lol! Peace Gentlemen, good video Steve thanks man.

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mrghoster 2 years ago

I've commented on this series and other's like it. It just show's how FUCKING Useless the fefail of the species is. Ther fefail may ber more deadly than the MALE, but especially to themselves. women are their a week, cant find food so they have the camera crew's food to share, they cant build a shelter of start a fire (other than an Emotional Flair Up) that is. Meanwhile in the Guy's caamp they have done everything to survive and plan their first flight to MARS next week! lol! women WERE the breader's and not being happy with that alone and MAN or MEN looking after them they got feminism and because of that they don't even have the MAN to breed with anymore as we don't want to get involved with Useless fefail CUNT's whe a muscle car, a wide screen tv, and your own money, time and interest's is NOT worth giving up for some smelly POON hole! lol!

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That's because they have you to inspire them.... Praise Jesus.

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Ahhhhhh Haaaaaa Haaaaaaaaa - this is fucking priceless......

"I am woman fuck me raw,
Doggy style like a whore,
And I am fuckin it all up - again
Cause I nag you even more,
While I crawl around the floor,
I promise I'll never get drunk again"

"Oh yes I tell lies,
And my cunt attracts flies
My ex he paid the price,
Cause I'm not very nice,
If I want to I can rob anyone
I am strong
I am invincible
I am a simpleton"

Helen Reddy - I Am Woman

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bigintol03 2 years ago


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