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If Women Had Been Left To Build Any Civilization In History You Wouldn't Be Alive Today

Published on 17 Jun 2023 / In Film & Animation

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The person who posted this on Bitchute gave this explaination about the "The Island" series....

It was worthy of copying and pasting as the pinned comment.

It's hilarious watching these women cry over the smallest things. This is why they are eating each other today over so many issues. They are incapable of working with other women. They need men to save them every time. It's pathetic. This programme called "The Island" changed its format after the 3rd season because it blatantly showed how useless women are today. Pre 1970 for millennia they were capable of doing the hardest and most important job in the world called raising a kid. Today they are incapable of even doing that.

"Initially pitched as an assessment of the capabilities of British men in the 21st century, the first series (2014) featured 13 male participants. Following accusations of sexism, the second series (2015) used two islands, with 14 women on one, and 14 men on the other. The third series (2016) continued the gender divide theme and featured eight men and eight women abandoned on opposite sides of a single island. The fourth series (2017) focused primarily on age rather than gender".

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havok545 2 years ago

No joke. I really wish all men would disappear for like 5 years then come back so we can see how they destroyed the world and are completely helpless without us. They might even shut up when we come back and appreciate us more..... they just might.

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havok545 2 years ago

bahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! I love this!!! When reality meets feminism it's the greatest show on Earth!

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I don't hear any of them singing, "Yes I am Woman" as they stride confidently anywhere..


Oh yes, I am wise
But it's wisdom born of pain
Yes, I've paid the price
But look how much I gained
If I have to, I can do anything
I am strong
I am invincible
I am woman

I am woman - I can't do shit and I am fuckwit and failure....

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usr6874038614 2 years ago

This is where the basic difference in men vs women's brains comes out : women are programmed to follow their emotions for a big part, because that is where the mother instinct is implemented. Without it, the human species would have been extinct a long time ago. Men follow logic and analysis, and are programmed for problem solving; eg. women cry when they have no food or water, men see a problem to be solved and jump to action. Women cannot survive without men, but feminism has indoctrinated them of the opposite.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

Hahaha this is a great video. I was laughing the whole time. What misery those cunts were in haha. They really should just fuck off back to the house and shut up. Put them any place with any authority to impact others and they screw everything up haha

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I love this video - it's fucking brilliant.... "Oh Oh and then the wind blew - and it messed up my hair - Booo Hoooo - I can't cope - this is such a terrible place" - and the MEN are just rocking it and having a great time.

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Dd you notice that the STUPID fucking women are WALKING across the knee deep mud flats and getting stuck and falling over and crying, and the guys just lash a few logs together and build a boat and paddle over the flats when the tide is in? You know all the women who complain, "He calls me stupid!" - Well stereotypes exist for a reason.

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