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If You Love This Planet

Published on 29 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation

I'm posting this to remind everyone what World War 3 would result in, and the current administration came DANGEROUSLY close to starting it. They will start this war if given a chance. In this war, there will be no winners everybody dies, period

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This Oscar®-winning short film is comprised of a lecture given to students by outspoken nuclear critic Dr. Helen Caldicott, president of Physicians for Social Responsibility in the USA. Her message is clear: disarmament cannot be postponed. Archival footage of the bombing of Hiroshima and images of its survivors seven months after the attack heighten the urgency of her message.

Directed by Terre Nash - 1982 | 26 min

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Yeah fun stuff isn't it......

Enough nukes to kill everyone on earth like 40 x.....

As the scam artist lads from Lagos were fond of saying, "If you don't put the money in the bank volt - you will be deaded 101 times by the big boss".

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NerokeFive 2 months ago

Some idiot tried to convince me that this was no longer an issue because 90% of the nukes in Russia probably weren’t functional anymore. My response was “So everyone dies 4 times over instead of 40 then” that shut him up GOOD!

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@NerokeFive: Being Deaded 8 times is better than being Deaded 40 times. Unless you thought that you were some how short changed at not getting the "full treatment".

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