Oh! I got it now! The local bitch coven is trying to summon those bears they rather be in the forest with. Lazy bitches, they look like they're still in the driveway!?!
Though to be fair, I think they know men are retreating into the forests to carve out a uhm log cabin... Damn, that syrup logo might have penetrated the market too well!?! I guess they trying to make it seem like a haunted forest?! LOL!
@The Man Inside: Facts or did the old gods call those useless eggless abominations BANSHEES back in the day way back when, Yeah I think they are still BANSHEES just these rage drama whores need to be avoided at all costs.
@The Man Inside: Haha he was talking about the blonde in the thumbnail you click baited him and me with yeah that CUNT got a huge scam going on she got paid $80,000 a head if I remember correctly back when HAMMERHAND went in on this in his Livestre when it came out and if there are 20 plus of those dumb cuntd there well that Cunt made over $1+ Million she got a hustle scam going on until she can make it a Cult and get new fresh meat Fuck em all
@The Man Inside: yeah it was all over the red pill after the BEARS ARE SAFER THAN MEN bullshite and these BITCHES CAME ALONG AND HAMMER DID A WHOLE STREAM ON THAT MAIN CUNT BACK IN 2024 and tore her and the Fugly loser cunts to shreds
@The Man Inside: going back some years from this disaster shiteshow, there was some event that had simps and weak weasels get on their knees and in a circle apologise to whores like these and say they are sorry and worship the unholy vagina, losers apologising for shite they didnt do e.g apologise for their dads walking out on them or getting fucked and chucked by CHAD and so on and when the red pill found out about they got destroyed and everyone went in and destroyed them when MGTOW AND MONK GOT THEM WE OBLITERATED THEM DECIMATED THEM NOW NO SIMP OF WEAK WESEAL WILL DARE TI GET IN THEIR KNEES AND APOLOGISE TO THE UNHOLY VAGINA BECAUSE THEY WILL GET AND END UP DEAD AND THOSE WHORES STOPPED THAT GRIFT AND GOT THEIR PUSSIES WET THAT THERE STILL ARE RESL HARD MEN OUT THERE \G/
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And to think these bitches actually PAID to do this.
Well I hope the Bears come and Rip them to shreds
Oh! I got it now! The local bitch coven is trying to summon those bears they rather be in the forest with. Lazy bitches, they look like they're still in the driveway!?!
Though to be fair, I think they know men are retreating into the forests to carve out a uhm log cabin... Damn, that syrup logo might have penetrated the market too well!?! I guess they trying to make it seem like a haunted forest?! LOL!
You bastard... that was a nice ass and then gave us... howling cooties?