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Illegals Make DEMANDS for Better Food and Shelter in Denver _ Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris

Published on 14 May 2024 / In News & Politics

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Democrats voted against a law to count citizens in the Census because they clearly want to shift the balance of power with undocumented migrants. In Denver, migrants are making demands of city shelters and refusing to leave tent encampments unless their demands are met.

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Toki 8 months ago

I'm sure these two yuppies aren't helping with the national debt or their own person debts. The guy looks like he just left a woman's spa resort. Hasn't been a real man a day in his life. Got his gay pride polo instead of a working man's flannel shirt. Or a Viking beard. Or chest hair. Or authority over his annoying brat who should be in the kitchen pregnant. Then they wonder why migrants are here. You aren't making babies because you're focusing on your e-career of makeup and showing skin for the camera advertising to other men to trade up over this beta male.

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Toki 8 months ago

Oh you mean like single moms and politician freeloaders have already been doing? As well as manger/investor/executive freeloader types who are far worse individually than any migrant. Because they fuck the domestic citizens and migrants. While holding the power of the N. Korean police state worldwide we have to live with.
I live in a world where a homeless person is arrested for stealing one apple. Then everyone else who didn't commit a crime is spied upon as a suspected thief.
Meanwhile the CEO of the produce company decides to raise consumer prices 100% to make more money. To buy more hookers and cocaine. Somehow this person isn't a thief however. That's what I don't understand. Because they decided to screw over everyone else to benefit thyself. One person in a billion selfishly. The CEO didn't farm the produce, truck it around, process it in a dirty factory, stock it on the shelf, or ring you out at the cash register. They hide in their office with their intern doing cocaine and having affairs. Humans have an odd system of hierarchy worshiping the most shitty people of all at the expense of the Good. At least the migrants have the balls to demand SOMETHING. Instead of just accepting loss after loss from the ruling class who are far more selfish than a single welfare sponge.
The worst thing migrants do is reproduce. Why? All you're doing is creating more slaves who will have a life of suffering to reward the ruling class. They have to import migrants because high IQ slave males have stopped playing the game of slave breeding.

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