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Impossible Spinning On A Stick African Dance (Kumpo Dance)

Published on 12 Apr 2023 / In Film & Animation

How the dancer is spinning on the stick is so amazing

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The Kumpo is dressed with palm leaves and wears a stick on the head. At the start of the dance, a young lady binds a colored flag on the stick. He dances for hours with the stick and the flag on his head. He speaks a private secret language and communicates through an interpreter.

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Heavyhand 2 years ago


Kinda cool.

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Well there is John Travolta in his white disco suit, or these guys in their hairy beast suits... The competitions are good to see a lot of different dancers, but seeing them in their natural village life is also good.... Judges and crowds and seeing similar people doing small variations of the same thing, gets kind of boring.... But seeing it at least once, is good for the soul and good for the mind. Have you seen Major Lazar - and this clip full of CGI effects..... very similar to the Affrikan Dance costumes....

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