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Impossibly obese cat prescribed special diet and exercise

Published on 08 Sep 2024 / In News & Politics

The real-life consequences of living like Garfield cannot be understated. Perm’s fattest cat ‘Kroshik’ is now on a strict weight loss routine after ballooning to 17kg, over three times heavier than your average housecat. A combination of no exercise, Whiskas cat food and hating Mondays meant that his owners were unable to take care of him anymore – he could no longer even move. It’s estimated he could be in the top five fattest cats in the world, but there’s a rather large problem in determining exactly how overweight he is: Kroshik’s layer of blubber is so thick that he is now impervious to medical imaging technology.

Kroshik, now taken in by the shelter ‘Matroskin,’ is on a strict weight loss plan drawn up by the finest cat obesity scientists in Russia. Special food, time on a treadmill and a long physiotherapy plan will hopefully put Kroshik back on the road to chasing after laser pointers, knocking things off other things and punching people in the head, like normal cats. It might take some time, but fortunately, he can take some inspiration from Krugets, the obese dog. If you remember him from a while back you’ll be pleased to hear he’s finally reached his goal weight and is looking for a new home. Maybe he can team up with Kroshik? It could be a sitcom where they solve mysteries. We’d watch that.

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