Redpill Asylum 5 - RedKnight

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In Defense of Men, What's Left of Them! (2014)

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Published on 28 Dec 2022 / In People & Blogs

In Defense of Men, What's Left of Them! (2014)
I first saw footage of Christy0Misty on a video from steve050.

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nopch8t 6 months ago

Oh I miss the internet from those days so many censored and purged .
Mentioned Bernard Chapin a good man.

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

Wow, an actual unicorn. Unfortunately the West needs exponentially more of these than we'll ever see.

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mrghoster 2 years ago

Why is it talking to MAN? Shouldn't it ber the women that need convincing of anything?

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mrghoster 2 years ago

Just because a pretty face tells Us what we already Know doesn't make me want to bow at it's feet or any other part of it's body, which I'm sure once was pretty desirable by some CUCK or two? I'm afraid my days of giving sa SHIT what fefail say about us even supposedly in OUR favor, I some how just (probably Culturally), cannot believe a word that vomit's from a fefail mouth. My old School badge was "FACTA NON VERBA" In other words "Deed's Not Words", I've stuck to that all my adult life as well. Anyone can vomit WORDS, but backing them up with the DEEDs doesn't seem to happen anymore in this MATRIARCHAL Gynocentric vision of Utopia. In fact the FEFAIL is the destroyer not the builder and we are now doomed unless MEN fight back to an emptiness it would seem for ever. The ONLY time women are in favor of MEN is either when they lose something or need something, then that Selfish NEED evaporates quicker than the morning dew. Nope Guy's NEVER Trust a women for ANY reason, TIME has taught me that. Just on a SEXIST note, if I was still interested in anything to do with women, Yes I would bang this one through the fucking head board! lol!" Maybe not!

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bigintol03 2 years ago

I'm almost half tempted to believe what this parrot is saying!

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