In The Shadow Of Feeling (Psychopath Documentary)
Published on 09 Dec 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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it is absolutely correct in regards to consumerism bullshit...
you can only take so much shit before you snap...
sounds to me more like the kid snapped, could be wrong though...
true psychopaths have no empathy and do not have any feelings except anger for the most part but can simulate being happy or what is considered normal...
some of the stuff they are saying is pure psychobabble...
psychopathy has nothing to do with neglect, morals, values, etc.
they can be chameleons but mostly they have 0 inhibitions cannot understand morals/values/etc.
the kid shown/talking mostly is not a psychopath, he had a uncaring psychotic mother that deserved death... sadly the father put his dick in crazy...