Incelish Tendencies
Published on 28 Jan 2022 / In
Film & Animation
You heard the lady, gotta work on those T E N D E N C I E S
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That noodlewhore's oofy doofy norwood husband is Finn McKenty. Believe it or not, hes an even BIGGER vegan soy libcuck than Destiny.
Damn that is such a mediocre hoe. She is heavily made-up and looks like that. Solid 4/10. Her only attractive features are her dick-sucking lips and hair. Absolutely, without question, fuck-zoned. She has fucked a LOT of chadrones at 2 AM after he struck out with every other girl. She absolutely claimed the +3 easy bonus to make herself an honorary 7/10. Her husband is an absolute joke.
shes so ugly. truecel if she was born male. she won the lottery being born female LOL
Wow, an incel corner? Here?
Anyways, I don't see the need to portray Asian women as being evil. Since I live on that side of the world as well. Just like how I always tell my foreign friends. Asian women aren't nice, you think they are so because Hollywood movies make them think white people to be more than willing to fulfill "the obligation". As long as you do, you can get away with pretty much everything. The stereotype seems to be true, from what I can tell. White men seems to believe enslaving themselves to the vagina is the ultimate manhood.
Yes, American feminism has spoiled Asian women, a lot of them don't really worth the hassle, really. half the ones you like are actually pretty ugly as well. The yellow fever doesn't help either, you inflate their ego so high they fancy themselves salt when they are actually wood ash. Even in my country, we have developed another word for ugly, it's "White people will find you attractive".
I generally am baffled by the inceldom in general. You mostly based in the US. A country where women are so frighteningly open & straightforward. Yet, you are so hellbent in wallowing in self pity. To me, that's the cause of your misery right there, you want to be miserable & therefore you are miserable. An animal who willfully entraps itself, a tragic comedy, an excellent example of the Nietzsche Last Men.
If I suggest self-improvement, you'll brush it off as "cope". So to that, I say, good luck, may you find an exit from this dark valley you're in.
The goal is not to have a girlfriend right now, if that is what you want, you have a slave mindset. The average fefail now is a whore. they are not entitled to even be considered a girlfriend let alone a wife. Don't put yourself in a gynocentric slavery role by trying to live up to what these fefails think. The world is about what men think, disregard what women think, there way of thinking is what is destroying society and leading to these bizzare outcomes. Until this gynocentric system breaks, which it will soon, you have to seek alternatives to the gynocentric model laid out before you of a "relationship". Do you really think you can have a relationship with a woman in an urban area in a western country right now when they likely have more than 15 past sexual partners? If so you are delusional. These are broken people whose minds have been raped by globohomo propaganda. You do not want to be dealing with being around a person like that on a daily basis it is worse than being an incel in my opinion. I feel sorry for the sack of shit that has to date that woman, it is a very cucked existence it will take him years to realize how screwed he is especially if he marries her, the grass is not greener. Due to the skewed demographics you have to work really hard now to keep a woman from trying to fuck you over so its not worth it.