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Incelish Tendencies

Published on 28 Jan 2022 / In Film & Animation

You heard the lady, gotta work on those T E N D E N C I E S
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foreverseething 2 years ago

That noodlewhore's oofy doofy norwood husband is Finn McKenty. Believe it or not, hes an even BIGGER vegan soy libcuck than Destiny.

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NeoGeoGamer 2 years ago

Damn that is such a mediocre hoe. She is heavily made-up and looks like that. Solid 4/10. Her only attractive features are her dick-sucking lips and hair. Absolutely, without question, fuck-zoned. She has fucked a LOT of chadrones at 2 AM after he struck out with every other girl. She absolutely claimed the +3 easy bonus to make herself an honorary 7/10. Her husband is an absolute joke.

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JJJJJ 3 years ago

shes so ugly. truecel if she was born male. she won the lottery being born female LOL

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Pariah 3 years ago

Wow, an incel corner? Here?
Anyways, I don't see the need to portray Asian women as being evil. Since I live on that side of the world as well. Just like how I always tell my foreign friends. Asian women aren't nice, you think they are so because Hollywood movies make them think white people to be more than willing to fulfill "the obligation". As long as you do, you can get away with pretty much everything. The stereotype seems to be true, from what I can tell. White men seems to believe enslaving themselves to the vagina is the ultimate manhood.
Yes, American feminism has spoiled Asian women, a lot of them don't really worth the hassle, really. half the ones you like are actually pretty ugly as well. The yellow fever doesn't help either, you inflate their ego so high they fancy themselves salt when they are actually wood ash. Even in my country, we have developed another word for ugly, it's "White people will find you attractive".

I generally am baffled by the inceldom in general. You mostly based in the US. A country where women are so frighteningly open & straightforward. Yet, you are so hellbent in wallowing in self pity. To me, that's the cause of your misery right there, you want to be miserable & therefore you are miserable. An animal who willfully entraps itself, a tragic comedy, an excellent example of the Nietzsche Last Men.

If I suggest self-improvement, you'll brush it off as "cope". So to that, I say, good luck, may you find an exit from this dark valley you're in.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

Hi pariah how are you? Have you spent any significant time in the US? I just think if you did you wouldn't think it was so easy to get a reliable girlfriend here, even if the women are forward. getting laid is one thing, having a girlfriend in this society is toxic. Most large US cities are quite multiracial now so its not just white guys. White guys have some advantages in asia, one of the largest ones is how much further their money goes, but I think they also face a lot of hazards if they are trying to have a long term relationship.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

a lot of western men have this mindset to look for a woman for a long term relationship and marriage. They often go to great lengths to try to keep the relationship working and women perceive this as weakness in a lot of cases but the man is well intentioned. In a high trust society, this western mans mindset may work because the legal system and society stands behind you in trying to keep a marriage intact and properly punishing those who step out of line, but now in this globohomo world this approach no longer works and women just take advantage of men like this good looking or not. Just look at the powerful good looking men that have been destroyed by divorce in the west, the list is growing. I feel for incels because they were born in a world where they were not given a chance to launch, they are reaching for something that is no longer there even if they did look good, they came into a world where everything was dysfunctional already and never knew what it was like to have at least a long term girlfriend so they could calibrate their compass properly. There are hard times ahead so my advice is to prepare accordingly, because you can see the cracks in society starting to show if you look carefully.

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Pariah 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Well that's the thing, Hollywood told us white men are super dedicated & you confirmed it. This is why Asian women wants to date out. Their moms talk about how lazy & how unreliable Asian men are. Doesn't help when white people say "I love you" all the time whereas Asian men almost never say it. Oh how "I love you" makes a girl tingles. In this global dating market, Asian men will always lose out to white men, that's just the way it goes. Not to mention, most white men probably didn't understand the culture these Asian women came from so the white men can't enforce traditions. Asian men still have a shot with traditional-leaning women. But blaming yourself for every hotties who rejects you? Pah, that's setting yourself for failure. Oh & I lived in New England for a yr. I can understand the feeling of hopelessness since American women are so straightforwar with their feelings. But to be eal, would you rather keep a dysfunctional relationship going, or find a better 1? As the Buddhist monks say, don't be the source of your own sufferings.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Pariah: I guess I was trying to give your an explaination for some western type behavior, but this is only the older variety. younger people aren't like this including asian women. All women basically try to target the top 20% of men essentially and this includes Asian women. You could say white men can unfairly best all other races as well not only Asian. I dunno why it really matters though because all it is right now is a shitshow, its just women and men hooking up, no long term relationships at all, nobody is having children. I agree there is a growing amount of wmaf couples, but imo its still the minority and most long term pairings with children you will see are asian male with asian female.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Pariah: also in the US asians in generally are more successful than whites by a lot of metrics, they on average have higher income and higher education on average. There are even supreme court cases because the universities started to unjustly reject Asian applicants for minorities with lower scores. I cant really explain all the retarded stuff women do. We shouldn't be allowing them to be making decisions anyway that is why the world is falling apart.

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Pariah 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: If Hollywood is to be believed, white women wants to have fun in their youth. TO be fair, white people have a bad reputation when it comes to chastity for a very long time. Didn't you also look down on chastity as well? To me, these ugly girls who chase white men know they are not accepted by other Asian men. And this kind of insult towards Asian men is actually their go to tactic. I remember my American teacher told me Asian ghosts are a lot scarier than European-American ghosts & our ghosts tend to be women. His theory? We Asians treat women as 2nd class citizen. He's not wrong, what is wrong, is forcing his American feminism narrative. Women gets pregnant, women represents her family & her husband's honour. This is why I always tell my foreign friends about "the obligation". She'll do her part & you have to do your part. Our traditions work, things will improve when white men stop swallowing the feminism pill. I get it, American women are loud, fast & loose with themselves. To me, that's your advantage. Instead of spending 3 months of your life trying to figure her out. You learn what you wanted to know about her in a week. That's your ADVANTAGE. So you shoult realize it's NOT your weakness. The sooner white men grow their spine, the better.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Pariah: I would say any white man trying to go to a foreign country for a serious relationship or to have kids is misguided in most cases. I'm really confused why you think it is a good thing to have loose, loud, masculine women in the context of a long term relationship? I'm not sure that I looked down on chastity, isn't chastity the basis of a long term relationship? to have a woman and man committed to each other? The idea of people in the western world having numerous sexual partners was not common at all except after about 1960 or so, the culture was centered on the concept of marriage. You have to keep in mind the vast majority of Americans don't even have a passport and an even smaller number ever travel to southeast Asia in their life, this is not common. I am confused that you think white people have a bad reputation when it comes to chastity, I mean you are seeing the extreme end of things in southeast Asia where a small segment of the population goes to look for prostitution, etc. American feminism or gynocentrism is a recent phenomenon and its rooted in communism and is not part of the traditional or normative american way of life. I agree that feminism should not be spread to southeast asia but I didn't know their were western powers trying to do so. I do think the average white man needs to grow a spine in the west, but part of the reason why both you and I are here is that we are seeing problematic behavior coming from women and we are looking for solutions to change this.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Pariah: also what is this term "the obligation" I am curious what you mean by this exactly?

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Pariah 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say just yet lol. What I'm saying, that since white women & western women in general love making their feelings & opinions clear so much to the point of inappropriate. It means, you don't have to waste so much time on her once you know she's not the kind of woman you're looking for. It is your ADVANTAGE in seeking out a potential spouse. You seem to stuck at the idea of "I must make this work", which is the real problem here (samudaya). And thus, you have dukkha by choosing to stay with a woman who doesn't value your heart. My Nirodha to you, my friend, is to dump her ass & find someone better. This "advantage" I keep touting on about, is that women of your culture are SUPER STRAIGHTFORWARD, you don't have to spend as much time trying to figure her out at all. The wind is carrying your wings here, why keep flutter yourself to exhaustion when you could've just glide, you get me? If she doesn't deserve your effort, just leave. Like I mentioned prior, these women fancy themselves as salt when they are wood ash. Are you really going to dig through that ash pile just to sore your eyes & dust your hands in an off chance you'll find a speck of salt? Talking about riding an elephant just to catch a grasshopper! Just like I mention before, all we have to go with is your Hollywood & your media. I know the reality is different because I once lived among you (hopefully I can do so again). Now think of the people who have not visited there, only see what Hollywood wants us to see. This is what I'm telling you. Your Hollywood gave all of you a bad look & we all here took it without question. The Americans we know are the Hollywood portrayal. Your media & your twitter people said it, chastity is to be frown upon, lose your virginity as soon as possible, drink yourselves to oblivion to gain social recognition, all this & more, is what we see about the Americans. Then you come here, you head to nowhere but nightclubs & brothels, banging & marrying the ugliest women you could find, then boast about it on the internet that this is all we have to offer. Can you see why it's hard not to think of Americans this way when these are the only kind of Americans get get to see & hear about all the time? Which led me to my original point. These Asian women believes in Hollywood & your media. White men are either dumb or super devoted to his spouse. So far, even you reaffirm how 1 track mind western men really are when it comes to relationship. So why shouldn't these Asian women misbehave around you? They know you don't know the traditions & they think you don't care. We have a word for white people like this, it's white buffalo. You just stood there & take the insults from your Asian wife because you don't know what she's saying or what she's doing is actually wrong. To them, white husbands are the ultimate reward for misbehaving. Why do you think this chick feels so confident to look down on Asian men? Why should they submit & kowtow when a white penis will swoop her up for a better life? I always anger the expats when I tell them their wives are rejects. Well, I'm not wrong & I'll say again here. She's a reject, a white guy married her & now she feels like she's successful in life. Her white husband never punish her because of feminism, she feels she can misbehave as much as she pleases, so far, she's not wrong. Which brings me to my original point, why try to make a relationship with a bad woman work when you could've just leave & find someone better? Have modern feminism robs white men of their eyes & their good sensibilities? And as for passports, I encourage Americans to get 1, it's SUPER EASY for you people. You can travel to pretty much anywhere you want even WITHOUT A VISA!!! 1st worlders would never understand how much of a bitch to get a visa lol.

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Pariah 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: "The obligation" is simple to understand. Basically, all the love & care a woman provides, she's not doing it for free or out of her kind heart. She wants something in return. Your money, your protection, your care, this usually includes her entire family as well. After all, she's willing to be nice to you & your family. She's incapable to tell you any of this, it is something she expected you to know. In a strange case of Thai women, she expeccts you to pay her parents before you can marry her (I swear I'm so sick & tired of mouthy foreigners on the internet not knowing about this). If you bang her, she can assert that as your commitment towards her. Asian women aren't anime waifus, she's not going to stand & smile & be your yes woman. Despite that, she's more willing to be your dream waifu if you fulfil your end of "the obligation". So far, white men seems to be able to provide, but didn't know about what she feels entitled to. Which led to some complaints as to how sinister Asian women could be. You can say women are vain & materialistic as much as you want, she merely seeks for someone who can fulfil "the obligation".

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

The goal is not to have a girlfriend right now, if that is what you want, you have a slave mindset. The average fefail now is a whore. they are not entitled to even be considered a girlfriend let alone a wife. Don't put yourself in a gynocentric slavery role by trying to live up to what these fefails think. The world is about what men think, disregard what women think, there way of thinking is what is destroying society and leading to these bizzare outcomes. Until this gynocentric system breaks, which it will soon, you have to seek alternatives to the gynocentric model laid out before you of a "relationship". Do you really think you can have a relationship with a woman in an urban area in a western country right now when they likely have more than 15 past sexual partners? If so you are delusional. These are broken people whose minds have been raped by globohomo propaganda. You do not want to be dealing with being around a person like that on a daily basis it is worse than being an incel in my opinion. I feel sorry for the sack of shit that has to date that woman, it is a very cucked existence it will take him years to realize how screwed he is especially if he marries her, the grass is not greener. Due to the skewed demographics you have to work really hard now to keep a woman from trying to fuck you over so its not worth it.

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