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Incels Are Manginas? - MGTOW

Published on 21 Feb 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Danielle. He has quite a bit to say so before I get to his words let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Hello Sandman. I want to talk about how to maximize the effectiveness of the red pill with MGTOW and ponders what lies beyond MGTOW, the red pill, and the four waves of feminism. The red pill in its context offers masculine empowerment. The delivery system is knowledge of female nature, and the intent of taking a red pill is to transform a man from a beta into an alpha. Out of the three subgroups that fall under the red pill MGTOW is the only one that actually offers a path towards that path of transformation to an alpha male. When incels ingest the red pill, it has toxic side effects because they were not psychologically prepared to take it. Most incels are younger and operate as manginas in our social hierarchy because this is how they were taught to act and think of themselves when they were socialized in those indoctrination centers that pass for public schools. Typically, an incel will take that masculine empowerment, forge it into a victim card and carry on with it on social media in the vain hope that they will receive the same results, as a woman will. This is madness because social media is a woman’s world and to a degree is like a woman’s vagina. The red pill transforms the pick-up artist, but they do not become alpha males. Instead, they create a fantasy of themselves as alpha males by using knowledge of the female in order to engage in as many sexual encounters as possible. PUA’s end up becoming the male equivalent of the hypergamous woman that rides the cock carousel, and just like those women the PUA will eventually hit a wall and in the aftermath face the same phenomenon of the laws of diminishing returns against his sexual market value. Only the MGTOW takes the course that can lead to the path of the alpha male because it pushes the man to step away from the beta trough, re-evaluate his priorities and focus on himself. Once this happens, the path of the alpha comes into view and those who take that path marry something in this world besides a woman in that all of that love, affection, loyalty and protection goes into his labors as investment instead of a woman. I also do believe that MGTOW is not something that can be a permanent path for most men. Although giving up on women entirely might be fine for someone older, a younger man is inevitably going to reject it because even though female nature is what it is, so is human nature. Some men do not do this and that is fine and if they do not take the path, eventually they will end up back at the beta trough and will end up red-pilling over and over again. The second topic I I want you to cover is what lies beyond MGTOW and the four waves of feminism within the framework of a smartphone zombie apocalypse. People are having sex and making babies with less frequency than in previous years and this phenomenon is causing a global baby bust. How bad is it? We know enough about Japan, but even countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia and China are also dealing with declining birth rates. Feminism is a proven libido killer but I'm of the impression that the reason might be more obvious than people think in that smartphone zombies do not reproduce. I read somewhere that the average millennial will spend something like an average of 44 years staring into an LCD screen. We are already a society that has migrated its socialization to online formats. This is in addition to the endless amounts of entertainment that someone can find online. The overall effect is that people are now so thoroughly engaged in this that it is coming at the expense of all other human activities including sex, relationships, and making babies.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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HennessyVenom 4 years ago

Good ? stuff

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

Putting your brothers first is top priority,
Not some disgruntled Denzel in denial.

Women are mostly feminists in denial.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

material wealth peaks then sloughs off due to lack of input, then it rises again, then it sloughs off......... inlfation is about to finish the US Dollar

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

FEMINISM only exists in comfortable 1st world countries.......... wars terminate female twaddle instantly.

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