Indecent Proposal
Published on 20 Feb 2022 / In
Film & Animation
Morals, who needs them
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The Value of money is relevant. Like if you can survive on £100 pound a week as I did for decades, then you don't need Million's. I'm now officially a retired pensioned with a State and Company occupational pension coming in. I now have more money than I know what to do with, I've treated myself to sa brand new Motorcycle and that's about it. BUT, the security of that dead money is great. I would never want vast amounts of Money that has to be ivested just to control it andsd them that in turn makes more money? I just would not want to be that involverd. It's like these TWAT's that win the lottery after a lifetime of scrimping and saving, and when asked what are you going to do with it the Cunt's say, "Oh I'll buy a little businerss".............WTF WHY? You now have the riches of Cresus and you want to start giving it back to the Taxman and government? FUCK OFF, no way!
The Morality that is dying is the Morality or illusion of it that was created through the system Like in LAW's and Religion, and seeing as they are dying the created morality attached to it will die as well. But the Morality or "Moral Compass" of the individual is something quite different I think? No body is an Angel, we all make mistakes, we ALL tell white lies to escape from hassle or as a way of general survival. But imorality like in government where straight out lies are told, is Unacceptable and immoral.
The last few years especuially the last 2 have really started to strengthen my MORALITY in this sick BrokenWorld. I don't know why? Maybe it's because it is revolutionary among all the sick sheep and satanic attitudes of today. buyt I tell you this, being moral feels really Good. My Intuition has also been boosted. My Inner "BULLSHITOMETER" is in fine fettle and working well. Life has next to no Stress anymore, IO have no debt morally or financially to any one. Yep Morality is VERY important, it's what is going to get me at least through hard times.
In the 60's our Kews started teaching us that ''sex-was-everything". This doctrine replaced religious sentiment. Our Jews confirmed this with stories of Priestly infidelity. Now we follow the Nigger, AND, the Negro onus is stated as...."Nigga-be-fuckin'''.
Your femon Queen Elizabeth old Hag repitlian 2 has COVID supposedly!