Independent Women Were Sold A Lie Because Men Don't Want Them
Published on 31 Aug 2023 / In
Independent Women Were Sold A Lie Because Men Don't Want Them #modernwoman #dating #life
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There are no "independent women;" for protection they all depend on white kinghts or the government. Some may be financially independent but usually that happens after a divorce payout of cash and prizes.
This modern day "survival mode" and CPTSD lines are usually psychbabble bullshit from those with a victim mentality.
Most of these femons who "had no choice" were either raised by a shifty single mother (poor choosers or vindictive), products of their own decisions, or (like this crybaby) "want" a strong leader yet won't accept him.
This stupid foolish woman just doesnt get it.EVERY DAY FOR A MAN WE HAVE TO BE IN SURVIVAL MODE.I know thats my day at work during the week and try to get some small enjoyments and tasks done over the weekend.Living by yourself is the only way to go,no marriages,no kids, and I get to do what I went when I want at least some of the time.Almost 60 years old and this is the happiest I have ever been,I live this way by design,not by accident.
Screw these bitches ,I take care of my self only,my labor goes into my resources only.Good luck you take care of your own selves.Most so called independent women are very arrogant,competitive and basically try to act like men do. The only time I feel at peace is when theres no women in the vicinity to annoy me or try to get my resources.I love being by myself,I never feel alone as I am very conscious about whats going on in this world and how just about every relationship is transactional. So ladies get that cat collection going as I will have nothing to do with you as I am in monk mode for the remaining years of my life.