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Indian Men Worshiping Black Women LOL - MGTOW

Published on 26 Nov 2020 / In People & Blogs

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"Sheila Ki Jawani" Full Song

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, My question is about Bollywood and the worship of women, Indian men, like my self are the biggest simps ever, having grown up watching it. Link to a video below, please talk about it. Keep me anonymous, Thanks." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I was initially going to call this video Indian Men Are The Biggest Simps Ever but I didn't want to risk a strike from YouTube thinking I was attacking Indians even though that's what you said in your statement to me. I also put that link to the female singer in the description in case people want to check it out. She's dancing on a bed surrounded by simps. My experience with Indian men has been mixed. I've met a few guys that would be the western equivalent of Chad, let's call them Raj and then I've met a lot of simps that have an inflated sense of self worth. They have an air of superiority about them even though they are the western equivalent of incels. My experience with these simp Indians comes partially from their fixation that their car is perfect. When I was trying to sell my car years ago I got a ton of Indian guys showing up and trying to buy it looking for the best deal and the cheapest price. They would walk around a car I was selling for three hundred dollars pointing out every minor imperfection in the paint like a paint chip here and paint chip there is supposed to knock the price down to free. As if they were trying to make me feel insecure so that I would give them a deal on account of my hurt feelings. That's something that a woman would do. I noticed the same sort of behavior with Indian guys around western women. Watching Indian simp guys hit on Canadian women in high school was hilarious because I get the feeling that many were always trying to up sell themselves and go for women outside their sexual marketplace value. One became extremely jealous of me showing interest in a Caucasian woman that they wanted and was extremely catty and spiteful. He would approach her with confidence by at the same time would have a
sense of insecurity about him. I'll share more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide to Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. If I ever sell a car in Toronto again on something like Craigslist I'll sell the car three or four hours away from the city so I don't get Indian and the occasional Persian guys calling me all day offering me a hundred dollars for a car that's worth well over a thousand. Bartering sounds good when you're on the side of getting a deal but it's a waste of time and effort. It's easier emotionally and with regards to mental effort to pay the price the person wants or not pay that price. It also saves time. You're in and out the way most guys like to shop. As for Bollywood I know that in 2007 Richard Gere kissed Shilpa Shetty in an AIDS awareness event in New Delhi. A warrant was then issued for his arrest. People burnt effigies of Gere and Shetty for publicly embracing in a "sexually provocative" way. This sort of moral policing of Bollywood certainly goes a long way towards making men into simps. Limiting public displays of affection has destroyed men. For example a sixteen year old boy was expelled from school after hugging a girl that won an arts prize.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

Yes, the Sikhs are the only Indians that I respect. They have an awesome warrior religion and tradition. I'd fight next to a Sikh any day.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

Yeah, Indian men by and large are hardly 'men' at all. They have mostly beta males in their population. They are so weak it's a disgrace; no masculinity anywhere. They gang up and rape women that they can't get normally, and they're so racist it's just crazy. Can you imagine that? Indian men being racist against anyone else? Yeah, clown world.

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ancientsea 4 years ago

@ 10:43 in the show -- Good one; ''Passive-Errective''.

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