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Infant Annihilator - Cuntcrusher

Published on 17 Nov 2024 / In Music

A classic in early-2010's technical deathcore. Added simply because the lyrics from the album this song came from (The Palpable Leprosy of Pollution) are actually happening at the southern border of the US, albeit slightly less extreme and with a few differences from the album.

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Infant Annihilator what a name haha probably some overweight 40+ dudes that were never was black metal wannabes,

Lyrics haha

One of the reasons I never got into "Technical Death Core" I will say they are talented and their musicianship is tight spot on perhaps on par with SARCOFAGO, IMMORTAL, BATHORY OR SATYRICON and been a while since I really listen to their stuff hard to get back into when you go to DIO and MÖTÖRHEAD :D and You can feel the Hate and Aggression what a name CUNT CRUSHER yep sounds about right what so many Whores need about now especially those GOTH WHORES getting ran through by as many SCUM as possible and then posting it online and wanting more yep they should be crushed, Thanks for reminding me of the band reminded me of Anal Cunt :D may the GODS OF METAL BLESS AND BE WITH YOU GODBLESS \G/

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Amiba 4 months ago

RIP Seth Putnam. You have been and will always continue to be missed.

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@Amiba: Amen R.I.P Seth Putnam a legend and a Genius. It would have been great to see ANAL CUNT become WORLD Famous that some boring pop and rap stars of today would have been Fun to see them on talk shows where the Host and your bands name is ANAL CUNT is that RIGHT, and Seth Says Yeah that's Right ANAL CUNT and our latest Album is called Hitler was a sensitive guy haha that would have been epic if it really happened, Oh well still he is and was great and may he Rest in Peace GODBLESS ANAL CUNT \G/

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