Infidelity and Femons
Published on 18 Feb 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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Simple Guy's. Don't Marry, fuck or get involved with femon's in anyway or form. Personally i don't even talk to them or answer them anymore, so guy's my MENtra regarding femon's is "EYE's OPEN, MOUTH SHUT", don't give anything away about yourself. I feel for this Judge, he's not alone i guess? Also just thing there is some ASSHOLE out there that has had his fun and got away free? Now that CUNT I hope died from a Failed Kidney?
This really was a terrible story! As I've previously said, 95% of these cunts are nothing but lying filth, who WILL all get what they deserve in the it in this life or the next!!!
Excellent response. Hearing my name in your video was almost surreal. Thanks, feel like a celebrity now. Can you imagine? 51 fucking years of looking him in the eyes knowing what she knew. Human garbage. (I use the term 'human', loosely.
There was good reason that all stable societies in the past never held female testimony with much esteem. It usually took the testimony of 2 to 5 femons to be taken as seriously as that of one man. As soon as they get "rights" it all quickly comes to an end.
Why do men trust women? Because men want to believe in LOVE.