Infiltrator Syndicate Ending, BPR Exonerated
Published on 14 Jan 2021 / In
Film & Animation
Important update, It also turns out that BlackPill Revolution is exonerated from the list because it turns out that he's not really an infiltrator because he shows some redeeming qualities. But instead he's just been blindly lead a rye by CuckWaud Pictionary and Penny Proud who both think that neither single virgins like me or divorced men couldn' be MGTOW but reather women can supposedly join which is what an infiltrator would treach and is totally absurd. Basically why we have a problem with Pictionary.
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shadow monk my dude, i need to chat with you if you are willing. i know you have issues within the chat on this website, so i thought i would invite you into one of the servers that i use.
you might also be thinking too soon. check out this video and the comments made here.
imh, the dude has a screw loose on ppl and their intentions, but for some reason he's got a boner for TFM without even really listing to his content he passes judgment.
crimson crusader is the same person as crimson hawk, i have no idea why he uploads his old content back when he was anti mgtow. but he's the same dude.