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Infowars,The collapse is irreversible now

Published on 26 Apr 2022 / In Film & Animation

⁣Alex Jones admitting there is no saving the world now. There is no stopping the deaths of 90%+ of humanity
So lets focus on surviving it and thriving and saving our race our people so we have a future
allow this fucked up world of goody two shoes nonsense to die. Let's
allow the Diversity quota marxist hellscape the world has become to
destroy itself.
We will build a better world on top of the ruins

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 years ago

Hopefully Jones' mexican friends will take him out.. All foreigners should be deported and no foreigners should own American soil.. We can take care of ourselves but they have immigrant population growth supported by the chinese slave state manufacturing the english created.. iow it is not sustainable.. I have a new carburetor on my generator.. a gas bike that gets 80 mpg.. a good well and pump.. soooo many people are against America.. the people who support immigrant population growth are shit.. Americans cannot afford to raise families and they shoehorn foreign trash in through open borders and govt / bank money assistance that we do not get.. .. makes me sick.. It started when london and rome had johnson kill Kennedy..

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red maple
red maple 3 years ago

There will be no awakening. You cannot save the leaves from winter. The tree will survive, but not the leaves. Winter is coming.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

Why did you choose 480p resolution for a black screen video?

I mean the audio is good, but there's nothing else comes to visual.

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TheDemonKing 3 years ago

there's ONE difference between Nazi's and SJW's
If you disagree with an SJW they call you a Nazi
If you disagree with a Nazi they call you a Jew
Besides that I'm really not seeing any other differences at all
There's a reason my enemy is god and his worshipers,and the marxists are also my enemy. for all practical purposes they're exactly the same.
And the fucking Nazi's are just as if not more tyrannical than the fucking Jews they hate so much.....and they're just licking Yahweh's right boot while they Jews are licking gods left boot
They're all just fucking Jews I don't care what nonsense they spout out the truth is everyone who worships god is a tyrannical piece of shit they are all the same

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

Nazis fought for their people. SJW's... They have no clue what they're doing. Someone told them to be loud, so they shout. What are they trying to accomplish? Nothing. Being noisy is enough. Another difference is, SJW's are alive and well, Nazis being in existence is a myth. There are copycats, who live on the idea, wrong idea, they follow the ideology. Communism and the "equality" religion are the ones to be careful with.

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TheDemonKing 3 years ago

Just had another Christian calling all of us who don't worship the Jewish god pig shit putrid etc.
Also calling ME a Jew?
Fucking seriously these Christard JEWS are the dumbest people on earth.
I literally tell them I want to kill the god of the Jews and end all Jewishness across the planet and end all worship of the Jewish god destroy every Judeo Christian islamic religion forever
And they respond by calling me a Jew!
Is any other faith system treated this way? Fuck no it's not!
If anyone wanted to end any faith system any culture that doesn't worship the god of the JEWS they would not be called a worshiper of that god.
But if you wanna get rid of the fucking Christians who FYI is just another word for Jew, these retard Christcucks especially the Nazi ones call you Jewish!
I guess those guys who want to destroy america are really american imperialists huh? JK!
There is no group who's as detrimental to society,as fucking worthless none as stupid as those who worship the Jewish god

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