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Published on 11 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation

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KEEPER 2 years ago  

republicans trying to censor free speech of other republicans lol. they don't like the swear words, but the constitution deems swear words as constitutionally protected free speech.

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sbseed 2 years ago

those are NOT conservatives...

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KEEPER 2 years ago

no, they are conservatives, they are likely religious conservatives. my parents were exactly like this when i was growing up. they would say that the constitution was inspired by god, but at the same time try to censor your swear words because of Jesus or some shit lol. something that didn't really exist but it was commonly believed within the religious group think mentality. most religious conservatives will think this way, they can't help it, it's been ingrained in them for many generations unfortunately, they are still conservatives on most of the conservatives points, but it's the swearing where they suddenly become like progressives, which is likely why the progressives or democrats try to bend the will of the church into their progressive talking points, but really they are causing conservatives to become more progressive when they do stuff like this.

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sbseed 2 years ago

@KEEPER: nope, if they actually where concervatives (despite) being religious they would still be fine with people exercising there rights, just not on private property... they might ask them kindly to go away but they would not try to bully or harass them. well the constitution was inspired by god, the founding fathers even stated that in their depositions on discussing how they where going to create the declaration of independence as well as in founding laws they would have that would protect every individual as long as those foundational laws where fallowed/adhered to... they also said that they would often pray or have someone pray before their sessions to help receive inspiration in any way possible. jesus nor the bible/scriptures never said to restrict anyone's freedom of speech, he did encourage civil discourse altho it was never worded that way in the scriptures. if they where truly religious or christian for that matter they would understand this also, i mean even jesus used curses and foul language when kicking the money changers/jews out of the temple.

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sbseed 2 years ago

@KEEPER: they may think they are religious and conservative but by their actions they show themselves to not be actually. the indoctrination part is true, and yes that has been going on for ages, but then those churches are not interested in god or Christianity but what they can milk out of the gullible fools. indoctrination works on progressives or those who are 'openly' progressives the same way or demoncrap worshipers for that matter... they have been indoctrinated to think they are conservatives and religious but they just progressives or whatever that happen to share some of the views of actual conservatives (religious or not).

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@sbseed: ok that's fare. but then again they could be democrats pretending to be conservatives as well. however with my religious conservative father, he gets mad at me when i swear and would prefer that i refrain from using that language and i explain to him the constitution and that is protected free speech and that god inspired the constitution, so i mirror that same talking point on him lol, and hates that i bring this up because he want's to disagree, but he can't help that i'm right, he just doesn't like the swear words lol.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

damn he sounds Podunk as shit in this video lol, he normally doesn't sound like that, i wonder if it's because he's in Carolina where everyone there is Podunk sounding lol.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

so if you said for example, "fuck you, you cum stain jew" that is protected free speech. lol now i'm getting some ideas for a sign ha ha!

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