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INSANE Sounds Coming from THE SKY 2024 - Alien Warnings, Govt Conspiracies or End Times

Published on 21 Mar 2024 / In Film & Animation

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KEEPER 10 months ago  

i believe this is directly related to the whole HARRP thing that was going on back in 2015.

now i know the bible talks about a time when something like this will take place, and people will believe this is that warning, and maybe it is, idk, i can't claim to say it's not as i just don't know, however things that happen in the scriptures aren't always things that are mystical, they only appear mystical because humans are very primitive in the mindset and we will believe in anything and make up reasons why it makes logical sense.

maybe these sounds do have something to do with the end times, but it's not directly what the scriptures say, the scriptures say it's some angel pulling his trumpet out and warning people to get right with god, well you can do this ok, i have nothing against you doing this, but maybe it was explained like this in the scriptures because the people back in the scripture times wouldn't have understood that it was some kind of technology thing that was going to make the sounds and they needed some kind of visual aid that they could understand because they have primitive minds back then.

anything is possible, god may not be what the scriptures claim he is, he could be an alien being for all we know, but doesn't it make sense that these things were explained for a primitive people to understand over just giving them something in the form of a warning that doesn't make sense?

i mean the whole revelation's thing is talking about horses for crying out loud but these horses are explaining things in the form of events, war pestilence famine and shit like that was communicated for a primitive people who needed these parables and explanation's to understand the issues in the future.

i know i'm making god sound like he's some kind of alien or a time traveler lol, at this point i can't help it because it's how it's coming off and i don't know of any other way to communicate it.

it also could be the blue prints for the world leaders to bring these events to happen, and they were using scripture to communicate this info across the generations as they knew how protective religions are of their scriptures so they knew that information will always be preserved for their plans to come to a reality one day once they advanced enough.

this is starting to look like a fan fiction story, lol sorry about that, i hope it entertains you at least lol. that phrase "truth is stranger than fiction" comes to mind lol.

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mrghoster 10 months ago

If these sounds are heard WORLDWIDE then it has to be atmospheric or something nature. ancient people one used to run and hide from Thunder, so just maybe this is some NEW natural thing? I would love for it to be Satan or Aliens it would spark up this boring life a bit, but alas I think it's natural in some way?

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KEEPER 10 months ago

i agree, but unfortunately that is what they will try to get people to believe, it's not aliens or Satan, it will be a trick used with technology, and stupid people will fall for it.

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mrghoster 10 months ago

Remember the END TIMES doesn't mean the end of the world it means Change. society has run it's cause Mankind will recover, out of Chao's comes order and what we have been experiancing is order turning to chao's for decades now, what with Greed and perversions and what not?

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KEEPER 10 months ago

oh yeah, i totally agree, i suppose the phrase, the saying the end as we know it will take place, it's like this when communism starts and ends, there is a dramatic change and dramatic changes take place, then there are wars and ends to wars, we constantly have our ups and downs within history.

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mrghoster 10 months ago

The Mexican one I think is techtonic vibrating, after all it was just before an Earthquake didn't you say? The lights were probably power lines disrupted by the EARTHQUAKE! Dah! And when they fall the power goes OUT! The aussie Lake is in a valley, was there an airport near by? sounjds like planes or miltary planes anyway echoing of the dip in the valley? The sound after a lightning strike is like an exlectrical audio after math like a high pitched Crackle remember lightning starts from the Ground if the atmosphere is right you get what you see as lightning touching Down when actually it's the atmosphere being activated or charged. As far as I can recall there is only one HAARP array and that is I believe up around Alaska or that far north anyways? I somehow cant stop thinking this is something with NATURE. Apart from loosing a bit of sleep why7 worry about it. I mean we are living in HELL anyway so weird isn't exactly RARE is it? lol!

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KEEPER 10 months ago

now that to a degree does make some sense, but what i hate is they keep calling for the same thing, it can't always be the tectonic plates, yes it's true they cause a after effect rumble, but it's never that loud when it takes place and that's typically felt in the form of the rumble after shocks, lightning is an interesting theory but we have never heard anything like this up until the existence of HARRP, so can it explain all the times in history when HAARP when nothing like this has ever made the same sounds ever up until now? that's my point, lightning strikes do have a sound, but not like the ones heard in some of these videos, especially when the sound repeats and sounds identical to the previous sound. if you ever heard a small frequency generator you would understand what they are capable of, and that's specifically what HAARP uses. the one in Alaska was the only one they admitted to have in existence, other platforms have been found all around the world and because the main stream only talks about the one, most people believe that's not it because they don't know all the details on the tech or the others scattered in every country.

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mrghoster 10 months ago

@KEEPER: Here in thwe UK we have this thing called "THE HUM". It's a subsonic frequency not unlike the sounds in the video, BUT it's deep in your head and at night when it's quiet. I investigated my local area when I was out walking in the early hours and discovered exactly what it was. It was a REEFER on a refrigeration plant about a mile away on an industrial estate and when the wind or atmosphere was just right you heard this subsonic sound. Now I cant say that is the case for everyone, but even though it is still there from time to time it no longer bother's me at all. what is it Sherlock Holms I think it was said? Once you have removed the improbable what is left is the truth? Well something like that ! lol! Again enloyed the video my friend.

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KEEPER 10 months ago

@mrghoster: i was researching the HUM last night funny enough, that is a very diffrent phanonom, as that is typically a very low sound that we can hear, some of us anyways, like it's lead some people to suicide because it becomes so bad and these record long before we started using technology or at least as early reported in the early 1800s, it's possible even before that, but as i said that one seems unrelated as it's a sound that is a very low sound. now i could be wrong but i believe that one is related to the frequency of the earth and some folks are more sensitive than others are and they can hear it, but your right, some things can be explained via mundane things such as what happened in your local community, there are people also hearing some weird HUMing sound that live out in the boonies or but fuck nowhere lol. my mom once told me she heard a HUM but it always sounded like a diesel truck idling nearby our house, which isn't that weird, however i started hearing that same idle, it's only heard when it's completely silent in the house or if it's focused on. it could be caused by the tectonic plates shifting, no earth quake, but low rumble that some people can hear as they are more sensitive. i have never been able to find a source to the hum i have heard, but i will admit i have never heard any of these sounds in these videos where i live personally, but others have in other area's of my state.

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KEEPER 10 months ago

sorry for the typos and misspellings, i have a difficult time typing sometimes.

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mrghoster 10 months ago

Something flashes past his balcony in a Typhoon? How's that even weird sorry? strong wind, thing fly about, high wind around tall buildings can make some pretty damned weird sounds as well, I know I used to live in a flat block.

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KEEPER 10 months ago

i agree, the thing flying passed could have been anything, but i suppose it's a UFO because the meaning of the acronym means it's unidentified flying object, but people always assume alien, and you can't stop them from thinking such things.

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mrghoster 10 months ago

@KEEPER: i agree. what we have to remember with wind and high rise buildings you cant really tell for certain what the truw wind direction is, that very fact of multiple differnt movements of wind could actually or may be creating the sound, a bit like when I mentioned in one comment about my bedroom window being at a certain angle that when the winds up it moans and howls ( a bit like a banchy infact) not that I've ever heard a banchy? unless you include my EX! lol!

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mrghoster 10 months ago

That very first clip reminds me of a capture in North London from a flat. It (the sound) was traced to a motorcycle down in the street speeding by.

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KEEPER 10 months ago

i think most of these are HAARP instillations installed all around the world owned and operated via military bases owned by all the governments in the world. but people will always believe it's the gates of hell of bigfoot or aliens or whatever else.

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mrghoster 10 months ago

@KEEPER: The only thing is surely a HAARP instaltion would be very visible wouldn't it, like on Google earth or something? Anyway loved the video great food for thought man, thanks for posting.

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KEEPER 10 months ago

@mrghoster: no, the instillation is actually not that big, but yeah it could be seen via google earth, but they will scrub them from view from time to time, i have seen it on more than a few occasions, our government are not to be trusted especially companies such as google, as far as i know, they are controlled opposition and we have seen this for a long time now, so it doesn't surprise me.

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