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Instant Car Karma: Woman kills catalytic converter thief by backing her SUV over him ?

Published on 23 Feb 2023 / In Film & Animation

A man trying to steal a catalytic converter was killed when he was run over by the woman whose vehicle he was trying to steal from, according to authorities.

Officials said the woman was asleep inside her Ford Excursion when a car with four people inside pulled up next to it. That's when one of the grand theft suspects got out of the car and began sawing the catalytic converter off the Excursion, Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies said.

The woman inside the Excursion was woken up by the noise, and that's when she turned on her car, put it in reverse, and "felt a bump like she ran something over," authorities said. The woman immediately stopped the car after running the alleged thief over and called 911. He was taken to a local hospital where he died.

All is well that ends well.
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Straven 2 years ago

Hope that filthy thief/animal doesn't live to try again as we all know the fucker will do.

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There are two sorts of thieves, someone who has genuinely fallen on hard times and steals out of desperation - they have to get it to be able to make ends meet and keep food on the table etc...

And then there are just fucking scumbags who steal shit for drugs and their crime gangs... Steal a car - strip it in 30 minutes and then the parts are going all over the country....

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GenerationLESS 2 years ago

COOL! I hope she doesn't get charged with anything, since she was being a good person to call for an ambo. Could've drove off and no one would've been the wiser.

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Jesus and is 12 boyfriends would have been watching from low earth obit, in their magic invible kingdom...

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sauger1001 2 years ago

Oh well. The consequences FINALLY met the crime. Sorry, but it's hard to have SIMPathy for a thief. If I was asleep in my vehicle, and was awakened by someone sawing off my Cat, I may have done the same thing.

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Fuck him.... Assuming the car had no one in it... and then diving under it and cutting out the converter...
Well.... and then getting run over when she takes off...

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