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Instant Regret! Addison Rae Gets CANCELLED Blasphemous Holy Trinity Bikini

Published on 05 Aug 2022 / In Entertainment

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Penisy 3 years ago

The reason why Christianity is so easy to make fun of or mock is simply due to the fact that Christianity is passive aggressive, it's always this turn the other cheek mentality, it's not like some other religions out there that will not take bullshit and will fuck you up when you try to make fun of them.

It's funny, because let's use Seth MacFarlane creator of family Guy is an example same with the example of South Park, both of these cartoons and the creators of these cartoons both made fun of all religions, that is until the past five or six years, suddenly they made a dramatic switch and who they needed to make fun of and they stopped making fun of certain religions because those religions unlike the Christians actually fight back and that's probably more than likely the reason why they stay the fuck away from the Muslims because they know it's not an empty threat when they say they will kill you if you continue to make fun of them, but the Christians just turn the other cheek take it up the ass.

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