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Instant Regret! Woke Leftist Hit With 18 FELONIES After Unhinged Rant Breaks Down In Tears

Published on 15 Apr 2024 / In Entertainment

Sometimes people forget to say "minecraft"

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Toki 10 months ago

She has a point about metal detectors. Punishing everyone for the acts of a few is unjustified. I guess foreign countries should stop the USSA military from invading to steal their land, women, and resources by using metal detectors? That's why the metal detector part is wrong. If military can get paid to murder people then it should be fair game for anyone to murder anyone if they want to take what others have. I don't support any of it by the way. Just saying it's hypocritical of the Gov of all people to judge someone for a threat of violence. I feel threatened anytime I see a copper out driving around being a tax collector. Or someone says they are a military vet. In other words a goon of the Fed/State who may have murder in their past. Not self-defense, but invading other people's nations on the other side of the planet. They really need video games to get out those barbaric instincts.
Meanwhile it's also acceptable for the Gov to encourage vaccines to kill us? At least they are killing their own goon squad soldiers with vaccines as well.

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Toki 10 months ago

Basically don't leave your home or have an opinion. Just be a tax slave and don't question those who own you as property. Or in her case be their loyal welfare pet.

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Toki 10 months ago

She's never worked a day in her life. Neither have the city council Jeremy. They are also welfare sponges. The highest tier of welfare sponge tax collectors who created this woman they are afraid of. Really goes to show how the modern world is full of mostly corrupt people.

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Toki 10 months ago

Bakerfield has a Chinese dictator named Karen. With an ugly Karen haircut as well. This is who the cops and military are working for.

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Toki 10 months ago

Well that's not right. Freedom of speech includes women's insane statements as well. She's probably a welfare piece of trash but I don't want her to be charged for speech. It's not attractive for females to have opinions on such matters though. They are the prize at the end of the war for the military men. So why does she care about simps killing each other during tournament mating compeitions? Is she also a feminist who demands all men must die?
Meanwhile the same country pushes military ads to go murder people overseas so what's the problem with her statements? She may be a loon who doesn't understand humans and war because female. But speech is nothing compared to the crime of taxation, spying on us, speed trap cameras, etc. The ironic part is Gov created her and her NPC thought process. I guess it's time to arrest all the rappers as well for violent speech? "Shoot da cops," is quite common among the gangsta culture. The only good part about the music. And trolling someone like Biden.
They better arrest the 'Rich Men of Richmend' guy as well. These cops and judges are traitors to the people who are supposed to have free speech.

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