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Intersectional End Times - MGTOW

Published on 28 Dec 2017 / In People & Blogs

In this video I lay out my prediction for the future of false accusations in what I refer to as the Intersectional End Times. This is an addendum to Feminist Epistemology Part 2: Postmodernism.




Hey Everybody, Marcus here.

Two years ago, in my video entitled Feminist Epistemology Part 2: Postmodernism, I put forward an exegetical account pertaining to the formation of intersectional feminism and offered exposition as to the logical consequences that are necessarily entailed within. The conclusion of that video described how, due to the metaphysical commitments of postmodernism, a near infinite number of categories can be created on which people can be grouped. For example, a straight white male is a concept derived from three categories; namely, gender, sexual orientation, and race. However, we can continue to bolt on additional categories such as immigration status, parental status, marriage status, economic status and so on.

If we were to combine all these categories we can end up with a grouping such as: gay black single divorced immigrant poor woman who is a mother. As we can see, the more categories we add to the list the smaller the number of people will belong to that specific group. The logical extreme of this is that each human being eventually ends up in a group exclusively composed of themselves as the list of categories used to describe the group is so extensive, no one else alive will fit that mold.

This, I argued was the natural consequence of postmodernist feminist thinking. Furthermore, I argued that intersectional feminism allows for circular oppression. Namely, that a gay white male, under intersectional feminism, is oppressive to a straight black male on account of race, but the straight black male is oppressive to the gay white male on account of sexual orientation.

As a consequence of this solipsistic end point in grouping and the circularity of oppression, the interest groups that form will begin to turn on each other. Finally, these groups will destroy each other.

In this video, I would like to describe a theory I am developing that I refer to as the Intersectional End Times. The Intersectional End Times, in simple terms, can be described as a singularity at which point the logical consequences of intersectional feminism have been fully internalized within the psyche of the mainstream of the victim class.

Now, the victim class, as I would describe it for the purposes of this video, is anyone who willfully perceives themselves as a victim under any current categorization of victimhood as presented by the progressive stack.
So, a gay man, who willfully sees himself as a victim due to his homosexuality, regardless of whether or not he has at any point been discriminated against would be part of this victim class. However, a gay man, who willfully seeks explanations as to his plight anywhere but the conclusion of oppression, would not be part of the victim class. The difference between the two is in how each account for why their life is how it is and their perception of their own power to control the outcomes in their lives.

The first gay man sees himself externally limited in an unjust manner whereas the other sees himself externally limited in just ways but unlimited to pursue his goals based on the freedom of his will.

Now, the defining characteristic of the Intersectional End Times will be the shift of the mainstream victim class from seeing themselves as victims in light of one quality about themselves to universal unqualified victimhood. But perhaps I need to elaborate on this. Under intersectional feminism, the gay man is oppressed by the straight man. However, the gay man is not oppressed by the gay man. Namely, his own group of “Gay Men” is not self-referentially oppressive; at least not logically.

However, the gay man, having further added categories to define the group he belongs to, will find himself in a group of one. As a consequence, he will no longer feel he belongs to the group called “Gay Men”; he will belong to a group unique to himself. Now, even though the victim class gay man has extradited himself from the group called “Gay Men”, he will continue to see all other gay men as belonging to the group called “Gay Men.” In this way, the group called “Gay Men” will become, in a practical, but not logical sense, self-referentially oppressive.

This in turn will occur with all other existing groups that the victim class of people currently feel they belong to. But what does this mean in practice? Let us take a concrete example.

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Blind Sword Master
Blind Sword Master 8 months ago

Great video, glad to see you on here. Good points and a worthy goal for MGTOW. My only criticism is that the audio is so low in some places that I can barely hear you.

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