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Interstellar Travel

Published on 08 Jan 2025 / In Film & Animation

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Duugus 3 months ago

Well of course, your assessment is correct. However, if there is a killing by the wahmen, then one may have the strength to survive. She would be skinny and s armed up, but alive.

The men may be able to secure an encampment before any die. Maybe 9 survivors. Some with scares as there would be physical negotiations that left their mark.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 months ago

Good point buddy

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Hmm. Sounds like an Amazon space show, unfortunately it had LGBT+-- it destracted from the plot, a mean a gay cook er chef... yeah that never happens.

So, the women would have been found dead, some with stone and wood dildos... like those old backpack ads, the bag outlasts the humans, so does the dildos.... the men would have built a hunting lodge mall... And more importantly, beer or wine... hey you did not say if there were grapes and wheat there? So, were there engineers and scientists amoung the men? I mean they would have like wooden flying planes there if so and electric generators and hopefully somebody remembered to bring an Xbox... Hey, it's the basics...

But most importantly, my question would be who ate the people? I mean I doubt this is Rick's perfect planet to take a peaceful shit on... so something must have ate them. Or they let for a reason...Bitvhes got unbareable... then like our femons, they followed the men trying to bring them back...

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 months ago

Its just imagination so don't know myself who ate the people it had any there in the first place...nice touch though about the wood dildos, and mayve some wooden carving of cats

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Let's? Naked and Afraid, Man vs. Wild, Man, Woman, vs Wild, Paradise Island, Men vs Women, Survivor, Survivor Man, Duo Survivor... gee what A wealth of footage to draw upon...

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

You want our THOTs? In Space? Just play Subverse bro...Lol. wait just 10 femons or are there Chads amongst them? Damn, got to listen again...I was thinking about the hyper sleep sex in Supernova when you said that... She goes in barren with matching eyes, but comes out pregnant with a blue eye... Oh Yeah! Another win for those sexist, rascist, misogynistic White Viking toxic masculinity!

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