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Interview /w Timothy Marc

Published on 20 Dec 2012 / In Film & Animation

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Visit Tim at : http://www.freedombusinessblog.com/

I'm Timothy Marc, a marketing and consulting specialist who works with everyday people on how to build location independent businesses.

Dissatisfied with a regular corporate life in accounting, I was lucky enough to meet a handful of people around the world who I call the "Secret Society". These people built businesses and systems that run themselves whilst they are off chasing the next adventure around the world. I've worked with a bunch of international and local businesses such as Real Social Dynamics in Hollywood, Los Angeles.

For the past several years I've built and sold "Freedom Businesses" in the areas of online marketing, video production and mobile applications. These businesses are designed to fuel a lifestyle dream especially if you are bored or need more time freedom to pursue your own interests.

After building and selling a few of my own successful Freedom Businesses and having close friends ask me on how they can do the same, I setup the blog and training program called the Secret Society Mastermind which now has over 300 close-knit clients from all over the world.

Visit Tim at : http://www.freedombusinessblog.com/

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