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Intolerant MGTOW

Published on 14 Jan 2020 / In People & Blogs

Intolerance is often described or portrayed as something inherently negative especially in contemporary so called progressive modern Western blue pill society. The leftist libtards who control the lamestream media, the miseducation system, and who have infiltrated even the highest levels of government use the term “intolerance” in an almost entirely pejorative sense. While ironically becoming ever more intolerant of free speech and political dissent, the libtard establishment constantly pushes the narrative of tolerance towards useful idiot groups that they portrays as oppressed minorities.
This list of so called oppressed minority groups includes an assorted array of unconnected and often diametrically opposed demographics who are invariable not oppressed and often not even minorities.
Lamestream media libtards and femtards use blatantly deceptive phrases such as “promoting tolerance towards women and other oppressed minorities” while clearly women are not oppressed nor are they a minority. In fact women make up the majority of the population and are the majority of the electorate, and as every MGTOW is keenly aware, women are the opposite of oppressed, especially in the West.

images: my own

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