INVASION Australia The theft of Land Rights
Published on 29 Jun 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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Someone else's comment from Bitchute
21 minutes ago
I am the science-coincidence inspector
yeah well you listened to the immigrants, media, took jabs, trusted police and media the lies and the commies. now you want back track?
I've been around various parts of the UK, and the council's are taking pole tax money of us and NOT using it to repair roads in their area's, not using it to cut public spaces grass or weeding which now has grass up to 1m high. The pavements and cycle lanes are falling apart. there is an increase in rodents and RAT's (most of which work for the Council)! We are getting robbed as we get NOTHING for the money they forcefully extract from us.
line up these terroristic assholes and shoot them all...
lol, yep you a slave