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Investigator Mike Zullo talks about Obama birth certificate

Published on 14 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation

Sheriff Joe Arpaio's lead investigator Mike Zullo talks to ABC15 about why he is seriously questioning the authenticity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate.

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sauger1001 1 year ago

He'll catch up to the Clintons in "unexplainable deaths" soon enough, unless they decide to get him (and "Big Mike") first.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 1 year ago

they ae all puppets

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sbseed 1 year ago

butthead the nigger is an illegal, all of the birth certificates from the US are fake, he was born in kenya....
the first or second illegal fake 'president' of the US...

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sauger1001 1 year ago

The Deep State (along with the U.N., WEF, etc) controlled Hussein Obama from his time in the madrassas in Indonesia, his time as a "community ☭ organizer" in my native Chicago, up to now. Communists plan long term, unlike most Americans. We become too fat, dumb and complacent to really care much. Each subsequent generation, has been easier to deceive, in part thanks to the let's takeover of our education system, and mostly due to broken families, no longer passing down our vital critical thinking , and common sense. Taking out the Ten Commandments in the early '60s played a major part in that breakup. Obama was the perfect storm of our immoral thinking. He sounded like an "antichrist" when he spoke. People were mesmerized, not realizing he had "help" from his teleprompters. It's tragic how stupid (regardless of color; racists can think what they want) we as a nation have become, considering we were at one time, the most blessed AND most powerful nation in this world's history. UK (our younger "brother"; Gen. 48:18-19) was the largest empire (commonwealth of nations) in this world's history. Now, we can prepare to be SPANKED by The Creator until we repent. I expect a loooong spanking.

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I wonder if the chef saw something that got him killed. MICHAEL's junk or something..

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 1 year ago

Remember that woman who knew Obama in hawaii who was coming out with details... her helicopter crashed killing her before she was set to do an interview on tv.

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