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Published on 27 Nov 2021 / In Film & Animation

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A short barrelled 410 solid round through the window gap, into the face, and then go after the other bitches...
The whole country needs to riot.
If everyone just wiped these fuckers out, they would soon get the idea.
The Nationalists and the Provos and all the paramilitary groups need to unit and over throw the corrupt shit heads in Ireland... Just hang the lot.

This looks ideal for universal short range offence.

XT3 Field .410 Semi Auto

Shorten the stock to a pistol grip, shorten the barrel to about 1/2 to 2/3rds length, use a fast burning pistol powder to compensate and test to destruction then use 70% powder loads, with the 5 round mag and one in the barrel, you have a formidable, fast, easy to conceal, carry and use weapon.


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mrghoster 3 years ago

The one thing the Farmer could have done that would have been better was to keep his mouth shut, don't give them anything to fire back at you later? In the UK police usually the "PIGLET" WPC, with stop you and if you question they need to get their phones and look up what the law is on Google. Google isn't a third party LAW? If they do check on their phone just walk off, if they touch you however lightly or mildly that is "ASSAULT" on YOUR Person. Unless they can prove YOU have committed a Crime they have NO right to touch you. Again Check Blacks Law book.

I personally in these times have two micro camera's and a voice recorder turned on if approached or if I go even NEAR them, like passing in the street maybe. Be fully covered. In WW" it was an offence NOT to carry your gas mask or use itr for any other purpose than a gas mask case. because many women used them as hand bag's, this is an inversion, cover and protect yourself and your rights with self acquired evidence. Using such a devise in PUBLIC is NOTE ILLEGAL either despite what they will try to tell you? Be safe.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

This Farmer is totally right and is following his rights. Unless a Crime has been proven to have been committed the Police have NO right to your personal information, certainly uder BRITISH Law anyway's. You don't have to tell them anything. they WILL try and con you into a "Tasset" conversation, don't do it, they will ask you if you "Understand" say "NO", to agree to Understand means they take over by standing "OVER" you and you agreed to this?

This also pretty much applies to "MANDATES". Mandates are "NOT" Law. (Read MANDATE in Blacks Law). A Mandate is a "Recommendation" or request" YOU are NOT obliged to follow a MANDATE unless you agreee with it. Many follow because of "IGNORANCE" so don't be IGINORANT of YOUR RIGHT's and POWER's

One more point on the Police. If they stop you these day's in you car, their is usually 2 of them. One usually the higher ranking like a Sgt will try to get you into a Tasset verbal agreement, the other lower rank will play destractor, but looking round your vehicle for faults however minor, this tactic is also to confuse and distract YOU into making a false "Understanding" slip with the other one. Be careful out their with government lakies and bullies, they are CORRUPT!

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