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So, why are you in the UK?
ended up here because family
Yes! Killing to survive is Barbaric, that's why farmers were invented, so humans KNOW we barbarians will survive.
Hunting is definitely barbaric if you're not doing so for food or survival. Imo, If someone look to take a life just for fun. That's beyond sick and disgusting.
The feminist Marxist harvests, men of renown hunt, Proust…. Merry Christmas and fuck the feminist Marxist “happy holidays” ….
Antoian Kordiyal
United States
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So, why are you in the UK?
Yes! Killing to survive is Barbaric, that's why farmers were invented, so humans KNOW we barbarians will survive.
Hunting is definitely barbaric if you're not doing so for food or survival. Imo, If someone look to take a life just for fun. That's beyond sick and disgusting.
The feminist Marxist harvests, men of renown hunt, Proust…. Merry Christmas and fuck the feminist Marxist “happy holidays” ….