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is it justified to choose another group of people of your own?.

Published on 24 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs


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How to fix the half a face in the frame issue..

The software automatically captures and uses the frame at 11 seconds as your starter picture.

Get VLC media player... Sling them $10 for the software if you can.

1. Get your original video - play it and pause it at a good image, and press VIDEO and TAKE SNAPSHOT.


If your using your phone camera in portrait mode, do a screen capture using Ksnip = very good.

And get a WIDER image - than your portrait.


Take an image of yourself in LAND SCAPE mode.....

2. Throw the video you have uploaded, into EDIT, and then click on the video IMAGE on the right and upload another to use as a STARTER image...

Your will figure it out.

You can also use images off the internet or titles you can make in Libreoffice Draw - and scale your images proportionally - this is in pixels - For horizontal videos, use 1920x1080 pixels (or 1280x720) - which can be multiples in millimeters.. e.g. 2 x 19.2cm x 10.8cm = 28.4 x 21.6cm...



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