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Is Leg Training Really Important? And What's The Perfect Leg Workout?

Published on 04 Apr 2019 / In Film & Animation

Hello Bulldogs! John Sonmez from Bulldog Mindset Here, where I teach you how to go from the Victim Mindset to the Bulldog Mindset.

In this video I'll be talking about leg training, is leg training really important, whether or not you need to do leg training, does it make a difference in you aesthetics, and what's the perfect leg workout that will get you the biggest bang for your buck!

Now let's be honest, the reason why you train if to feel good and look good, and mostly look good, that's! their is nothing else, it's either aesthetics of athleticism. And if you do leg training for athletic reasons then you won't even be here, you obviously need explosive power and endurance to compete and be more athletic. Leaving us with the purpose or looking good, and I'm not talking about other dudes but girls.

So is leg training Really important to look good? and if so what's the perfect leg workout? because obviously you can't have chicken legs.

First we will take a look at some physics that women find attractive and see if their is an emphasis on legs, in the physics of celebrities, superheroes ect... to judge whether leg training really important or not?

And secondly we will take a look at what's the perfect leg workout, the leg training ratio that preferably need to follow in order to get good aesthetic results, and decent athletic results.

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