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Is MGTOW A Movement?

Published on 04 Mar 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Quarantined MGTOW Community

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Samnang. He didn't send me a specific topic so I wanted to share a comment I read from someone who's name can't be pronounced. So here's what someone has to say and I quote: "MGTOW is a movement" "?" I'm not involved with any mgtow protests or mgtow strikes. Never have I seen mgtow men get together to complete a goal set on changing society by holding up signs in front of buildings and blocking traffic and screaming at people to pay attention to us. (That's feminism, not mgtow) I haven't joined or registered to any mgtow organizations.. I'm not involved in a marketing business where I pay money to fellow mgtow to feed me information on what I have to do to live a good life in their eyes. Haven't managed to find any such forums online telling MGTOWs how to live. That's the PUA culture (aka glorified desperation for sex.) I don't follow anyone's ideology. If a mgtow group develops rules and goals for what to do with society and tries to casually but desperately spread awareness without trying to offend anyone with our truth, I won't care and I'll look the other way. (That's MRA, not mgtow.) Now, here is my lifestyle as a mgtow; I wake up, go to work, go to the gym, read, meditate, work on my other self employed home job, hang out with friends, come back home, fap and fall asleep. How does this lifestyle fit into a movement? I don't think it does. Well Samnang thanks for the donation and thank to someone for posting this very dangerous comment on Reddit's MGTOW forums. I put a link to it in the description and it's been quarantined. I guess someone didn't like the idea that one hundred and fifty thousand men had joined it and now to get in you have to verify your email. But before I discuss the stupidity of calling MGTOW of movement let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back with the show. Traditionally whenever you saw movements pop up in the past, if the government didn't like them they might get FBI agents to infiltrate them or they would approach members that they perhaps had dirt on and tried to get them to become informants and tell them about all the plans the movement had in the future. But with MGTOW it's different. You can't really stop it first of all because most of the guys going their own way have reached the same conclusions independently. But of course you can slow it down by attacking the sources of funding and communications nodes like Reddit. By demonitizing MGTOW YouTube channels they started to shrink it in the English speaking world. By throttling down the remaining MGTOW YouTube channels like mine, TFMs, etc what they are doing is starving us of new viewers to spread our ideas about freedom and female nature. They understand that we aren't formally a movement but the world is changing and perhaps we need to change the definition of what a movement actually means. The feminist movement still marches in the streets and wants to be seen and heard for media attention so the media captures them stomping down the street with the hooves and then being seen by the mainstream media. But the mainstream lost a lot of it's viewership and smart men figured this out and realised that it's easier to put out a ten minute talk on YouTube and get far more attention and influence than traditional television.

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5. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-269762521/stoc

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Somebody 5 years ago

MGTOW is an internet subculture and subset of the manosphere. I never call myself that outside the internet, and no one knows or cares that I don't date or have sexual relations with females.

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

mgtow is a " ____" .... proves it is NOT a movement it is a pyramid scheme .... everyone is on level 1.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

Why would there be level or ranks for the literal meaning of going our own way?

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Mgtow Smurf
Mgtow Smurf 5 years ago

MGTOW is a lifestyle. Glad to see you back on mgtow.tv

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