Is The Earth Round?
Published on 18 Jul 2021 / In
Film & Animation
I'm open minded, this video is on Bitchute as well, but that platform seems to be full of hateful nasty people. YT rejects
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I know the earth is actually flat. the basis for my theory is I can never get of the bloody ring road in the morning, so the earth must be flat? The flat earthers say that Chicago proves the earth is Flat because you can see a mirage of it on a sunny day? mind you after a few beers I can see mirages of lot's of things round or flat who cares! there are lot's of mysteries in our lives like when I'm sober the toilet is next to the bedroom door, when I've had a drink it seems like it is bloody miles away, and I didn't realize I had a cooker and draining board in my loo? and I never thought the toilet pan was ever that high before?
Since the invention or the Go Pro Camera everything that is flat looks round! lol! I was abducted by aliens in 1996, they made me do some horrific thing's I've never fancied eaten those small green pickled Gherkins since! I was surrounded by little grey Men that were interested in sex? i thought for a moment I was in the House of Lords in London? They had some terrifying instruments only because none of them could play the Saxaphone that is? then they produced some surgical looking tools, and I swear I will never use an egg whisk ever again!
When i was returned home I woke up in my bed all alone, I was hoping their Shat Nav was on the blink and they left me in the bed of the girl next door! Just as well they didn't I guess? Try explaining that one to the shrink! lol"!
NASA Like the round earth theory because it makes therm lot's of Money and they can BULLSHIT with impunity. and the world has to be round for them because they can make those great spaceship model's and shit? Personally I think Gerry Anderson did a far better Job and I bet he wasn't a freemason? and I know Thunderbird's and the Mysteron's are REAL because I saw them on TV! lol! Mind you Stingray was a bit far fetched though? after all who ever heard of a femon that didn't talk and smelled of fish? come on!
the moon is 2000 miles across moving at 2000 miles per hour,, and ,, weighs about 16 trilion, trillions of pounds.. you take a trillion pounds multiply that by 16 trillion and that is the gravitational force it puts on the earth.. the moon pulls on bodies of water causing the tides it also mis-shapes the earth slightly.. the sun also causes tidal surge... since everything is spinning of course its round..
The so called experts say that the earth is an oblate sphere. Now ask yourself why is every image taken of earth perfect sphere. My point is that we don't know what is true and what isn't because the people amd institutions that are supposed to be informing us actually do the opposite