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Published on 23 Jun 2021 / In Film & Animation

Seems to me based on personal experiences that there is a double standard when it comes to child services, social work and family court. I have had a lot of headaches in this area, as I am sure that many others have. Here are a couple of examples from my experience.
Custody Reversal 2007:
Romeo the MGTOW Cat:

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SIGMA78 4 years ago

All apart of the depopulation agenda, Starts by using damaged people to separate kids from healthy families in order to damage more kids into becoming messed up adults,

Brings back trauma from almost getting taken away due to discrimination against vaccine damaged people like me. All because they don’t want vaccine damaged kids to be equal to normal children in opportunities for success, Boys are most effected all the way towards adulthood....Very sick, Evil and deprived.

Nobody will recover or heal from what CPS and vaccines did, It’s why the suicide rate has skyrocketed to all time highs and the birth rates declined so fast. societal extinction is the only way.

Because of historical flaws in humans in general we as a society became weak, We allowed traitors to govern us..We allowed evil to prey on us. The evil and corruption will only continue until society falls apart and civilization is incapacitated almost towards extinction.

I hope those people who destroyed innocent lives through vaccines and CPS will pay the price due to the collapse they so created.

Hopefully the NWO backfires and humanity learns it’s lesson from their ancestors past mistakes.

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

Always has been broken, giving kids to molesters who abuse kids. Here in Oregon they have a history of people with criminal records of child molesting being allowed to foster kids and end up abusing them. Even killing kids is somehow unfortunate and lessened. Judges can't seem to control them.

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