Is There Such A Thing As A Born Again Muslim Virgin?

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Published on 29 Nov 2021 / In
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25:15 "women are like monkeys"
23:58 um maybe it's a warm-heart nagasaki hiroshima truth cause that freaking nuclear bomb could've ignited earth's atmosphere haha
19:28 I'd say my grandma who is an atheist is purer than all these religious twats :P
I was married to a hojabi woman from morocco. I brought her to germany after marry her. She lied to me and about me, flirted with another guys in front of me, she was never statisfied and so on. Because of that I divorced her and after divorce she stayed in germany and now she took her hijab of and is in cock carousel now. She can do what ever she wants now. I wasted lot of hope, time, money and energy because of her.
thanks bro. Stay away from muslim women.