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Is This Woman Worth 90k? (The Pineapple Show By Melli Monaco)

45 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 15 Feb 2025 / Im Film & Animation
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ArgonRaysabre 1 Monat vor

For fuck's sake this woman is corny AF.

This, black men. THIS is the result of calling every black woman a queen and a goddess in perpetuity, you morons.

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ArgonRaysabre 1 Monat vor

Did anyone else see the thirsty simp comment at the 4:31 mark? I swear, negroes get on my nerves with their simping.

And it's "she's lovely." Go practice, you non-apostrophe using nitwit. I'll be damned if that "few bad apples" adage isn't spot on.

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Lucifer333 1 Monat vor

Saw a youtube of a VHS recording of Thomas Sowell fireside chat (1982) where he advocates for the abolishment of single motherhood welfare (back then 62% out of wedlock birth), now most Negros are raised by single mothers, those are gonna be mega uber simps

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Lucifer333 1 Monat vor

you do have a "sysbm" movement (save yourself black men),.., th only outcome for the African American race is not to procreate with black women. Not a fan of racemixing less it is an exceptional individual, meaning most black men die out

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ArgonRaysabre 1 Monat vor

@Lucifer333: Facts!

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I have made a decision - I have seen so many psycho / head case / idiot / delusiuonal women videos - that watching 5 or 10 seconds of them is enough to send me back to the psych hospital for a long stay.....

"Oh noes, not another fucking head case woman!"

The "horrible women" videos are such good therapy for the people who are coming into the redpill awareness.

I just cannot watch them any more.......


It was the best day of my life.

"I came home one day and found that the ex had taken all her shit, had moved out and was now living full time with her new boyfriend.

Her bullshit worked well for three months, until the day he kicked her out, for fucking around with someone else.

So she calls me up and asks if she could come back, and I said, "NO".

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GenerationLESS 1 Monat vor

What celebrities are there to cook for in TX? 7ft? I guess just ball players for the Rockets and Mavs. RB is right, she just cooking eggs and grits the next morning.

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ArgonRaysabre 1 Monat vor

And they probably taste like shit.

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ArgonRaysabre 1 Monat vor

@ArgonRaysabre: I take back what I said about her cooking. I just looked her up, and it seems she does have some culinary ability. She's still a waste of time for a man, though.

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sauger1001 1 Monat vor

Just looking at how this girl is dressed tells me all I need to know about her. HaHaHaHa!

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GenerationLESS 1 Monat vor

Hope you're getting better saug.

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She looks like a scrap value car on a used car lot. I would not even talk to her - she looks like she is all hustle, scams and bullshit.

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Lucifer333 1 Monat vor

She is a fucking whore ridd3n with stds,

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