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Islamic Scholar Sheikh Imran Hosein - What Non-Muslims Need to Know About Islam

Published on 28 Jul 2024 / In People & Blogs

Islamic Scholar Sheikh Imran Hosein - What Non-Muslims Need to Know About Islam

Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein is an Islamic scholar who specialises in contemporary interpretations of Islamic eschatology (a field of study in Islam concerning future events that would happen in the end times that is primarily based on sources from the Quran and Sunnah).

Sheikh Imran gave up his career as a diplomat in 1985 to dedicate his life to the mission of Islam, since then a tireless missionary who travels for years at a time in the cause of Islam, including in Malaysia, where he is occasionally based.

Sheikh Imran is also a commentator on international monetary economics, advocating for the establishment of free-markets and currency with intrinsic value as a means of savings and aversion of a pending collapse of the “world of paper money”.

(Many thanks to CITYPlus for their collaboration with The Do More Podcast, in whose studio this conversation was recorded. CITYPlus is Malaysia's first Chinese business radio station, dedicated to delivering in-depth analysis on local and international current affairs, markets, and businesses.)

00:03:04 - Who is Sheikh Imran Hosein?
00:07:11 - What Do Non-Muslims Need to Know About Islam?
00:14:14 - There Remain Many Misconceptions ..
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00:18:29 - And Yet Humankind Is So Different..
00:19:59 - Why Are We So Suspicious and Fearful of Each Other?
00:21:15 - The West Gave Us Bogus Money To Enslave People
00:22:46 - Why Did Nixon Take America Off the Gold Standard?
00:30:35 - People Are Fleeing the US Dollar in Droves
00:31:36 - Islamic Eschatology: The End of History and The End of The World
00:38:25 - Currencies Are Bogus
00:39:07 - Electronic Money Is Bogus
00:40:05 - Slavery Exists Today - In Fact, It’s Widespread
00:45:01 - The Great War, Nuclear In Nature .. How Close Are We To The End Times?
00:49:20 - Fact-Based Naysayers Might Object .. ?
00:51:59 - Russia-Ukraine War: How Does it Expand From There?
00:58:59 - The World Is Moving Towards a Muslim-Christian Alliance
01:01:22 - What Should We Know About What’s Happening in the Middle East?
01:04:32 - Islam: A Religion of Unity, Brotherhood and Sisterhood .. Correct?
01:06:22 - It Appears That Islam Has Been Captured by the Oppressors ..
01:08:06 - How Does One Prepare for a Future That Is Full of Difficulties?
01:10:16 - In Islamic Eschatology, What Do the End Times Look Like?
01:12:55 - In Malaysia, How Do We Live Together More Peacefully?
01:16:47 - Sheikh Imran’s Parting Words for Malaysians

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