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Israel CAUGHT Faking ‘Antisemitic’ Attacks

Published on 08 Mar 2025 / In Film & Animation

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sbseed 11 hours ago

ramadon (however the fuck it is spelled) is basically the islam version of the jewish holocaust where islam kills non-islam...
the only real difference is that islam does not specifically target babies but random people in groups, while jews target european babies and cuts and bleeds them to death...

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sbseed 11 hours ago

islam is almost as bad as jewishness, altho islam is right about women for the most part...
islamiphobia is the same bullshit as antisemitism, it is all propaganda.

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sbseed 11 hours ago

this has been happening in the USA for the past almost 80 years or so...
they funded the entire feminist movement from the beginning, not to mention the total destruction of the germany and what used to be great britain (now its UKistan)...
they tried it with poland and are still trying it with russia...
the ADL is a terrorist organization....

ask yourself what group gains fully from all of this bullshit?

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say Never_Again
say Never_Again 16 hours ago

Of course those Zionist pig shit shovelers do crap to themselves through all means possible just as did [do] here on USA back when the shit-heads convinced the idiots to enter The War to End All Wars aka WWI & it's breach of contract with Germany by mainly USA, France & UK that caused the continuation of that war aka WWII.

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I thought the FAker Jew scum and the other 3 arseholes with him - should have been beaten to death in the streets with a genuine Australian cricket bat...... then be dumped in an industrial waste bin - and then the entire editorial committee and the board of directors AND Murdoch and co - be hunted down and added to the other refuse going to the tip..... These people are pure scum - ALL of them.

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