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It's not just dating and relationships women's choices are destroying. It's everything.

Published on 29 Mar 2024 / In People & Blogs

Women go viral for complaining about being struck in the face by people that should be in jail. Only problem is, it's women that wanted the policies setting them free.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Oh damn, the streets of NYC are too dangerous for women. Damn, guess we got to go back to locking them in their kitchens for their safety...

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Well, Islam knows how to treat women...

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Hmmm, maybe punching these bitches IS HIS Therapy!

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Toki 10 months ago

It's not a matter of voting. It's accepting the idea of a Gov ruling class at all. Voting is all fake anyways. What matters is people submit to a superior ruling class with the idea and act of voting. Voting is simply walking into the rock mines willingly and letting them shackle you for free labor for life. Instead of voting people should be demanding the dismissal of Gov seats because it's unproductive for anyone except the corrupt who sit on the throne. You're also betraying your God and worshiping false idols if you want to look at it that way.
Meanwhile you don't trust strangers correct? You lock your car and home doors. Yet you will trust a total stranger simply because they the manipulative talent of Speech and Charisma. Combined with overpriced fancy clothes real men do not wear anyways. All of the Gov rulers have wives and children. It's their duty to find a job themselves and work for it like the adults. Not lie and steal from the naive. You may like Trump because he's funny. Which he is. However your money is going to pay for Meliana's cosmetic surgery and his daughter's easy life. While also taxing you to pay for his hookers and cocaine.
Where all the single celibate men running for Gov seats? The only possible chance of having a leader who isn't corrupt. Still a tiny chance though. Good people simply do not seek Gov power at all. Evil people exclusively seek power.
We can't even make an impact voting with our wallets regarding clown world Western media "entertainment." So BB you're a fool for nitpicking men who don't vote. We have no vote. It's all a game show to cow the masses who are stupid enough to believe in it.
For example I vote for you to take over Susan W's YT seat. But we don't get to vote for that either. Why would the ruling class give anyone a vote for anything?
The real way to vote is avoid relationships with women and do not procreate more slaves. Avoid spending money as much as possible for everything. Do not overpay for simple things like food (restaurants), phones, a Locals subscription funding the ruling class, and a YT membership doing the same. Your monetization online is funding the terrible people you criticize BB. I know you need an income to survive. So do I. So I have a job that builds wealth. I don't expect anything for free otherwise I'm just as bad as the elites.
Do you own a smartphone BB? That would be a good first step in cutting expenses for a silly thing like a phone which is obscenely overpriced when it comes to newer "smart"phones which are shit tech anyways. You have a computer correct? If you do a house phone is all you need for a phone. Eat less BB, save money. Stop buying overpriced gaming "racing" chairs. All of your spending on these modern shit products is funding your enemy. You probably support gatcha games as well. No wonder why you need to e-beg.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 10 months ago

Behave and reason like children, and then react like children when they reap the consequences.

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