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Published on 11 Oct 2023 / In Film & Animation

Here is GBC's thoughts on the EV Luton Airport Fire. Personally I wouldn't have a EV if they were giving them away to the public.

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Councilof1 1 year ago

Lithium is good for starting fire's. However it's pyrophoric which it means it bursts into flame's when exposed to air. So to put the fire out you either wait for it to burn out or smother it.

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Councilof1 1 year ago

I started wet green wood burning with a punctured lithium laptop battery.

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His analysis is fair and objective......

The car park.....

Why is the fire extinguisher system not quenching the fires?

You know showering an area with a drenching spray, to stop everything around the burning EV going up as well.

LIke I don't think EV's should be universally cndemned, but there ARE some applications where lithium ion battery vehicles are brilliant - but just NOT for the domestic market.....

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mrghoster 1 year ago

New footage shows the explosion apparently a Land Rover discover exploding anbd it was apparently Diesel. But EF's explode as well. If it was a deisel explosing that could only happen under compression like the floors collapsing? But deisel initially is a quick fire ball that unless fueled by it's surroundings will go out very quickly. E£V's are a distraction to turn our heads from the real aim and that is to get us out of car's and the abuilty to control OUR movement.

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@mrghoster: You know what diesel fuel oil is INCREDIBLY hard to ignite..... I used to design diesel fuel injectors and the igniters for furnaces... You basically have to heat the oil up to almost ignition temperature before it will catch fire... So unless it was a deliberate "bomb" in or on the fuel tank, there is basically no way to get the diesel to explode in a huge fire ball....

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@mrghoster: There are tons of stories about petrol fumes building up inside the engine rooms of boats and then the fumes ignite and they explode... Hence the little solar panels and bilge fans sucking the fumes out at anchor.... Diesel - fantastically safe fuel... It stinks like shit but it's REALLY safe.....

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mrghoster 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Trucki crashes when they are broad sided on the fuel tanks will explode but the deisel is com-pressed on the impasct and that is whyt it is a quick fire ball . i know you cannot light fuel oil like petrol as the tow systems are totally different. Petrol requires a Spark and Air on compression and OPn Deceil compression the fuel injects, gains heat and fires. I know you know this but just pointing out I know as well.

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@mrghoster: You know that I know this, but how do you know that you know this?

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Never_Again 1 year ago ... daily word ... just popped into e-mail ... kool :)


Uproot (someone) from their natural geographical, social, or cultural environment.

Example Sentences

“My great-great-grandparents deracinated the family from their home country to search for a better life elsewhere.”

“I want to move over the summer so we don’t have to deracinate the kids from school too much.”

“The new development has been paused because the construction would deracinate a protected species of birds.”
Word Origin

French, late 16th century
Why this word?

“Deracinate” has roots (pun intended) in French — it comes from “dé-” (expressing removal) and “racine” (meaning “root”). It translates literally to “removing roots.” In metaphorical usage, “deracinate” (a verb used with an object) means “to uproot someone or something from their cultural, social, or geographical environment.” It’s not quite going out in the garden and pulling dandelions; rather, it applies to plucking people or things out of their comfort zones. Sometimes a deracination (the noun form) is for positive change and growth, but other times it’s more forcible.

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