It's Really Simplistic
Published on 17 Dec 2022 / In
Film & Animation
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All you Christmases cant be "WHITE" that's racist now. Haven't seem a MOTHER Christmas yet either? guess that;s because all the Department stores are closed and gonre out of business, and I Guess Mother Christmases would still smell of Alcohol like most Father Christmases did - Hick!!!!!!, Burp!!!!!!
"I'm dreading a Woke Christmas", by BLING Cross dresser! lol! The only Diversity I'll see over the holiday period is choosing which bottle of Christmas Spirit to open first! lol Not that it will matter anyways after two days I'd have forgotten the whole bad dream by then anyway's!
MALES and femon's working the balance was NATURES true Equality, but femon's that are MENTALLY ILL have messed that up sand only THEY can sort out the mess they created because MAN cant or even don't want to help the whores fix it. We are the innovators and inventors WTF do we need femons for anymore, I mean they cant even do natural SEX anymore can they? As a Guy I need a femon like fish needs a bicycle - Now where have I heard that before?
I think the problems today are because of woke, because WOKE is operation in a GYNOCENTIC MATRIARCHY that produces nothin but Drama and FUCK all productively. We live in a society created from looking at one MENTALLY ILL Femons brain and establishing it as the NORM (or should that be "NORMA" seeing as we live i a Broken MATRIARCHY now? MEN have been pushed so far back because of Emotion and Feelings WE cannot even innovate or use logic anymore? Well fuck that "I DO", but only to make my life better, I have no choice "I'm a MAN" as Frank Spencer used yo say!
Rationality escapes the feminist social Marxist. This new religion has replaced common sense with victims and aggressors and “God” forbid responsibility. Right and wrong are equal, male and female a malleable social construct, it is an insane cult… The downfall of all culture, this will not end well….red rivers will be common..,,