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IT'S THE ZOOX - By an Aging Feminist Slut

Published on 02 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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ArgonRaysabre 1 day ago

Angry driver that ruins your day? Every time I see some asshat being a problem in a ride-hailing service, it's the passenger. A FEMALE passenger.

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I can hardly wait for it to stall on a level crossing - with her and her whorish mates piled into it - drunk doing coke and weed and a little estacy and maybe a bit fo fentanyl - it would look spectactular for the last 3 seconds of their worthless lives - https://content.api.news/v3/im....ages/bin/d5e748ecff3

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ArgonRaysabre 1 day ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Now that's just a horrible thing to say, big bro. Do you know how expensive cocaine is these days? What did cocaine ever do to you, mister? Lol, how's life treating you champ? I hope all is well.

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@ArgonRaysabre: Rolling death traps full of junkie whores - no great loss.

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sauger1001 2 days ago

At least she can't yell RAPE without disabling the cameras FIRST. She can't prevent a robbery, since the person "manning" (pun intended) the cameras can't prevent the robbery (or RAPE) in progress. Yeah, I could go on, but us men get the picture.

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Yeah doing about the most useful thing you can do when she sails past getting stabbed to death, hands in the pockets, whistling, "Sure glad to not be in the middle of that shit show!".

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Good luck with that shit when it fucks up and decides to hit 200 Kmh.....

Go for it Girl Boss in her Girl Box.

More so when someone sends it the "Kill Command" - and your in it.

Do the doors still open when the battery goes nuclear and the power goes out?

Can you break the windows to escape easily?

The Dick Sucking Dumb Cunt - says it's awesome - on the way to the night club.

Of course - where else would trash like that go.

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Leader_Desslok 2 days ago

every aspect of that design reeks of mental retardation . especially the stage coach design where strangers are forced to look at each other . also eliminating the driver is going to cause more accidents than it will prevent . ( when did we decide that ALL drivers are "angry" ?) this sounds like hate speech and discrimination to me . is this just another way of putting more people out of work ?

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Yeah I noticed that she used the words "angry driver" quite a few times....... With a CUNT like her in the back, why are the drivers getting so angry? Is she just making up more feminist man hating lies, or is she a terminal shit head with a skin full of piss coming back home in the taxi at 4 am after a drunken gang bang in the toilets at the night club? Most drivers, most of the time, ARE pretty fucking good..... I can see why they would not like her or want to drive for her again..... She is pure aging out arsehole.

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Leader_Desslok 2 days ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: i can see her arranging the gang bang inside the ZOOX . no pesky angry driver to tell her to get out . i can see these things being used by the homeless as a place to live as well. this woman is a genius. she has solved the homeless gang bang problem !

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Her blind drunk in the back of the taxi - cum running out of one end and vomit pouring out the other... "Good thing there is no angry drivers confronting this fucking arsehole stinking up their cars".

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